Mario Sengco
2002 Recipient
Biological Oceanography
Thesis Title: The Aggregation of Clay Minerals and Marine Microalgal Cells: Physiochemical Theory and Implications for Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms
Advisor: Dr. Don Anderson, WHOI
Some excerpts from nominations:
- "Mario has made a number of contributions towards improving the education program at WHOI. He served as the biology representative in 1997 where he was instrumental in fostering a closer relationship between the biology departments at WHOI and MIT. He also created the student/faculty potlucks for the biology department, in which faculty were encouraged to discuss their research with students ina relaxed and informal setting. He was instrumental in setting up a tea hour for students on Wednesday, allowing them a short respite in the evening before returning to their research. Perhaps most importantly, however, Mario has been a champion of diversity at WHOI (something we definitely need more of in the science community) and has always been willing to help friends in need."
- "Mario was a dedicated student rep. In addition, although I was never a full-time resident at WHOI, I got the sense that he always brought unfailing good cheer to those around him. He also brought a measure of culture (in the form of singing) to the JP, and through it also a connection to the larger Woods Hole community."
- "Mario encouraged both students and faculty to participate in local community programs, such as the science fair at Falmouth Academy."
- "By honoring Mario, you set a high standard for this award and ensure that it brings great honor to future recipients."