Biological Oceanography
Harriet Alexander, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | phytoplankton, microbial ecology, computational biology, bioinformatics |
Neel Aluru, Associate Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental biology, epigenetics, toxicology, molecular biology |
Donald M. Anderson, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | phytoplankton, harmful algal blooms |
Amy Apprill, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | marine microbiology, contribution of microbes to marine organism health, coral reefs |
Carin J. Ashjian, Senior Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | zooplankton |
Mark Baumgartner, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | marine mammals, zooplankton |
Stace Beaulieu, Senior Research Specialist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | biodiversity, data science, deep-sea ecology, marine invertebrates, ocean informatics, seafloor observatories |
Tanja Bosak, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | molecular and morphological biomarkers, molecular microbiology, fossilization, microbial and algal ecophysiology |
Camrin Braun, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | biophysical interactions, pelagic ecology, animal movement, marine predators, oceanography, sensors and ocean technologies |
Gregory Britten, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | Ecosystem modeling, primary productivity, fisheries, climate change, applied statistics |
Michael Brosnahan, Assisstant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | Harmful algal blooms; life cycles, physiology and ecology of microbial eukaryotes; phytoplankton sensors and networks |
Sallie W. Chisholm, Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
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Keywords: | phytoplankton |
Otto Cordero, Associate Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
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Keywords: | Microbial community ecology, microbial interactions, marine particles, genomics, theoretical ecology |
Virginia Edgcomb, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | marine microbial ecology, symbioses, deep biosphere, marine protists, genetic tools, oxygen-depleted water columns and sediments |
John M. Essigmann, Professor | |
Chemistry, Toxicology and Biological Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | toxicology |
Mick Follows, Professor | |
Joint Program Director | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | ocean circulation, biogeochemical cycles, numerical modeling, observations |
Mark Hahn, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | environmental toxicology, biochemical adaptation, gene-environment interactions, oceans and human health |
Stephanie Jenouvrier, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Keywords: | seabirds, climate change, population ecology |
Rubao Ji, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | coupled biological-physical modeling, food web dynamics |
Di Jin, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | integrated economic and ecological models, integrated economic and geological models |
Matt Johnson, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | protists, mixotrophy, grazing, symbiosis |
Samuel Laney, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | phytoplankton ecology, marine photosynthesis, ocean instrumentation |
Yaqin Liu, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Economic model on coupled human and natural systems, climatic impact on marine resources, mitigation strategies and conservation measures |
Joel Llopiz, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | fish, fish larvae, zooplankton, trophic interactions, larval ecology |
Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | Larval dispersal, benthic ecology, invertebrates, island-like habitats, maritime heritage ecology |
T. Aran Mooney, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | sensory biology, hearing, physiology, bioacoustics, sensory ecology, marine mammals, squid |
Lauren Mullineaux, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | Benthic community resilience, larval ecology, deep-sea ecology |
Michael Neubert, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | mathematical ecology, theoretical population biology, community ecology |
Maria Pachiadaki, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | metagenomics, single cell genomics, metatranscriptomics, dark ocean, oxygen minimum zones, microbial ecology, microbial function, chemoautotrophy, nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle |
Jesús Pineda, Senior Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Biological Oceanography | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | larval ecology, benthic ecology |
Serguei Saavedra, Associate Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
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Website | |
Keywords: | ecological networks |
Mei Sato, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | zooplankton, fish, biological-physical interactions, predator-prey interactions, bioacoustics |
Timothy Shank, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | population genetics, hydrothermal vents |
Michelle R. Shero, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine mammal, physiology, reproduction, behavior |
Elizabeth Sibert, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Paleoecology, biological oceanography, marine ecosystem evolution, fish, sharks, paleobiology, paleoceanography, ocean drilling, microfossil, ichthyoliths |
Stefan Sievert, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | marine microbiology, microbial ecology, microbial physiology, cultivation, hydrothermal vents, sulfur cycle, chemolithoautotrophy, carbon fixation, dark ocean |
Heidi M. Sosik, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | plankton ecology, time series observations |
John Stegeman, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | biochemistry, environmental toxicology |
Ann M. Tarrant, Senior Scientist | |
Associate Dean | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Ecophysiology, Dormancy, Invertebrates, Circadian Rhythms |
Carolyn Tepolt, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Evolutionary biology, ecological genomics, rapid adaptation, ecophysiology, species invasions, thermal biology, host-parasite interactions, invertebrate biology, larval dispersal |
Brandon Weissbourd, Assistant Professor | |
Biology, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Neuroscience, behavior, jellyfish, cnidarian, evolution, development |
Daniel P. Zitterbart, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | collective behavior, bioacoustics, species distribution modelling, remote observation systems, polar research, passive acoustics monitoring, ocean acoustics |
Retired/Emeritus Faculty
Hal Caswell, Scientist Emeritus | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
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Keywords: | mathematical ecology, population biology |
Judith E. McDowell, Scientist Emeritus | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | physiology, environmental toxicology |