Fadel Adib, Associate Professor | |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Ocean IoT (internet-of-things), communications, sensor networks, underwater imaging, acoustics, ultra-low-power electronics, computer vision, machine learning, robotics, wireless sensing, radio frequency (RF), localization, signal processing |
Harriet Alexander, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | phytoplankton, microbial ecology, computational biology, bioinformatics |
Neel Aluru, Associate Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental biology, epigenetics, toxicology, molecular biology |
Donald M. Anderson, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | phytoplankton, harmful algal blooms |
Magdalena Andres, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | observational oceanography, PIES, western boundary currents, wind driven circulation |
Amy Apprill, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | marine microbiology, contribution of microbes to marine organism health, coral reefs |
Carin J. Ashjian, Senior Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | zooplankton |
Andrew D. Ashton, Associate Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes, geomorphology |
Gil Averbuch, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | seismo-acoustics, underwater and atmospheric acoustics, planetary acoustics, signal processing, numerical modeling |
Andrew Babbin, Associate Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | global biogeochemical cycles, nitrogen metabolisms, microfluidics, chemical-microbial interactions, marine particles |
Peter Barry, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Noble Gases, Isotope Geochemistry, Fluids and Volatiles, Volcanoes, Crustal Processes |
Mark Baumgartner, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | marine mammals, zooplankton |
Stace Beaulieu, Senior Research Specialist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biodiversity, data science, deep-sea ecology, marine invertebrates, ocean informatics, seafloor observatories |
Sara Beery, Assistant Professor | |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Computer vision, machine learning, camera trapping, remote sensing, bioacoustics, multimodal biodiversity monitoring, environmental monitoring, participatory human-AI systems, community science |
Tom Bell, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Remote sensing, marine biology, ecology, nearshore oceanography |
Michael Benjamin, Principal Research Scientist | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Marine autonomy, unmanned marine vehicles, autonomous decision-making |
Kristin Bergmann, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sedimentology, clumped isotope geochemistry, geobiology, Precambrian Earth History |
Joan M. Bernhard, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biogeochemical sedimentology, foraminiferal ecology and paleoecology |
Julien Bonnel, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | ocean acoustics, signal processing, passive acoustic monitoring, sonar |
Tanja Bosak, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | molecular and morphological biomarkers, molecular microbiology, fossilization, microbial and algal ecophysiology |
Amy S. Bower, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | dense overflows, Lagrangian floats, Gulf Stream |
Edward A. Boyle, Professor | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Chemical Oceanography | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; trace element geochemistry; sediment geochemistry |
Camrin Braun, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | biophysical interactions, pelagic ecology, animal movement, marine predators, oceanography, sensors and ocean technologies |
Gregory Britten, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Ecosystem modeling, primary productivity, fisheries, climate change, applied statistics |
Michael Brosnahan, Assisstant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Harmful algal blooms; life cycles, physiology and ecology of microbial eukaryotes; phytoplankton sensors and networks |
Ken O. Buesseler, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | carbon cycle science, colloid chemistry, environmental biogeochemistry, geochemistry, global change, isotope geochemistry, nuclear and radioactive waste disposal, ocean tracers, particle fluxes, radiochemistry |
Juan Pablo Canales, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics, marine seismic reflection/refraction |
Claudia Cenedese, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geophysical fluid dynamics, laboratory experiments, melting glaciers and icebergs, microplastic transport and burial, buoyancy driven currents, turbulent mixing and mesoscale vortices |
Matt Charette, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | coastal groundwater, environmental biogeochemistry, environmental chemistry, estuarine sciences, global change, nutrient chemistry, ocean tracers, radiochemistry |
Ke Chen, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Coastal and Large-Scale Connections, Physical-Biological Interactions, Mesoscale Eddies, Numerical Modeling |
Sallie W. Chisholm, Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | phytoplankton |
Carol Anne Clayson, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | energy and water cycles, air-sea fluxes, ocean and atmospheric boundary layers, air-sea feedbacks, turbulence modeling, remote sensing |
Anne Cohen, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biomineralization, ocean acidification, paleoceanography, low temperature geochemistry |
Sylvia Cole, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Polar oceanography, ice-ocean interactions, ocean circulation, observations |
John A. Collins, Senior Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology |
John Colosi, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Ocean acoustics, Physical oceanography, Wave propagation through complex and random media, Internal waves |
Alan Condron, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | climate modeling, paleoclimate, icebergs, sea ice, abrupt climate change |
Otto Cordero, Associate Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Microbial community ecology, microbial interactions, marine particles, genomics, theoretical ecology |
Kassandra Costa, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Paleoceanography, Sediment Geochemistry, Paleo-proxies |
Timothy Cronin, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Global climate, atmospheric dynamics and radiation, idealized modeling |
Andrew Cross, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | rock rheology, ice dynamics, laboratory experiments, microstructure characterization |
Sarah B. Das, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | glaciology; paleoclimatology |
Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes; sedimentology |
Ann Dunlea, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Biogeochemistry of marine sediment, paleoceanography/paleoclimatology, cycling of elements between seawater and sediment, monsoon variability, dust and volcanic ash fluxes, multivariate statistics |
Virginia Edgcomb, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine microbial ecology, symbioses, deep biosphere, marine protists, genetic tools, oxygen-depleted water columns and sediments |
James Edson, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea interaction, marine meteorology, boundary-layer turbulence |
Steve Elgar, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | nearshore, surfzone, sediment, morphological processes |
John M. Essigmann, Professor | |
Chemistry, Toxicology and Biological Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | toxicology |
Rob. L Evans, Senior Scientist | |
Interim Vice President Academic Programs/ Dean | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; electromagnetics |
J. Tom Farrar, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Air-sea interaction and exchange, dynamics and thermodynamics of the upper ocean, tropical dynamics and equatorial waves, oceanic internal waves and eddies, satellite oceanography, ocean observing and instrumentation |
Raffaele Ferrari, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | upper ocean processes, mixing, stirring, geophysical fluid dynamics |
John Fisher, Senior Research Scientist | |
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | |
Glenn Flierl, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysical fluid dynamics, nonlinear waves, eddies, bio-physical interactions |
Mick Follows, Professor | |
Joint Program Director | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | ocean circulation, biogeochemical cycles, numerical modeling, observations |
Kenneth G. Foote, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | surveying marine organisms; acoustic scattering |
Nicholas Foukal, Assistant Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Physical Oceanography, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), Gulf Stream, Subpolar Gyre, Beaufort Gyre, Lagrangian methods, North Atlantic Oscillation |
Gregory P. Fournier, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | |
Glenn Gaetani, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental petrology |
Valier Galy, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | global carbon cycle, organic carbon, rivers, erosion, paleoclimate, biomarkers, radiocarbon, stable isotopes |
Jake Gebbie, Senior Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | climate dynamics, paleoceanography, interannual to multidecadal variability, numerical modeling, inverse methods |
Chris R. German, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geologic controls, hydrothermal activity, chemosynthetic ecosystems |
Liviu Giosan, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes; sedimentology |
Yogesh Girdhar, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | computer vision, machine learning, marine robotics, adaptive exploration and sampling algorithms |
Alex O. Gonzalez, Assistant Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | tropical meteorology, climate modeling, air-sea interactions, and geophysical fluid dynamics |
Timothy L. Grove, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental phase equilibrium and kinetic studies to develop an understanding of the chemical evolution of the earth’s mantle at ocean spreading centers; mantle melting processes that lead to the generation of mid-ocean ridge basalts and crystallization and chemical differentiation that accompanies the formation of oceanic crust |
Philip M. Gschwend, Professor | |
Associate Director of the Joint Program | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental organic chemistry |
Julia Guimond, Assistant Scientist | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering/Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Coastal groundwater dynamics, permafrost hydrology, saltwater intrusion, submarine groundwater discharge, coastal wetland hydrology, climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems, hydrological-biogeochemical interactions, cryohydrogeology, numerical modeling, temperate and polar field work. |
Weifu Guo, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | clumped isotope geochemistry, paleoceanography, biomineralization, isotope biogeochemistry, global change |
Bradford Hager, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Numerical modelling of solid-state convection at high Rayleigh numbers; study of the Earth’s gravity field; core-mantle coupling; space-geodetic observations of surface deformation; dynamical processes in the interiors of the terrestrial planets |
Mark Hahn, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | environmental toxicology, biochemical adaptation, gene-environment interactions, oceans and human health |
Colleen Hansel, Senior Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | metal biogeochemistry, microbial redox-active metabolites, microbe-microbe and microbe-mineral interactions, biomineralization, environmental mineralogy, microbial production of reactive oxygen species, microbial (exo) proteomes |
Nick Harmon, Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | A marine geophysicist and seismologist interested in plate tectonics and mantle dynamics |
Sophie Hines, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography, paleoclimate, marine geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, Climate dynamics |
Tristan Horner, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Isotope geochemistry, Chemical oceanography, Trace-element biogeochemistry, Paleoceanography, Biological carbon pump |
Forrest Horton, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | mantle geochemistry, hotspot volcanism, noble gas systematics, petrochronology, ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism |
Michael Howland, Assistant Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Renewable energy, environmental fluid mechanics, atmospheric boundary layer, turbulence, optimization, uncertainty quantification |
Julie Huber, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | microbial ecology, deep sea, subseafloor, hydrothermal vents, biogeochemistry, genomics, astrobiology |
Konrad Hughen, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, geochemistry, geochronology, global carbon cycle, climate change, coral reefs |
Steve R. Jayne, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | western boundary currents, remote sensing, climate |
Stephanie Jenouvrier, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | seabirds, climate change, population ecology |
Rubao Ji, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | coupled biological-physical modeling, food web dynamics |
Houshuo Jiang, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Small-scale biological-physical interactions in plankton; Behavioral, physical and sensory ecology of marine organisms; Plankton fluid dynamics; Bio-fluid dynamics; Environmental fluid dynamics; Applied computational fluid dynamics; Atmospheric mesoscale numerical modeling over the Red Sea |
Di Jin, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | integrated economic and ecological models, integrated economic and geological models |
Matt Johnson, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | protists, mixotrophy, grazing, symbiosis |
Wanying Kang, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geophysical fluid dynamics, planetary sciences |
Sertac Karaman, Professor | |
Director, LIDS | |
Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | robotics, control systems, transportation and logistics |
Nare Karapetyan, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | exploration, path planning, marine robotics, multi-robot systems, autonomous systems |
Heather H. Kim, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | microbial oceanography, numerical modeling, physical-biological coupling, global carbon and biogeochemical cycles, climate change, and polar research |
Anthony Kirincich, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | coastal oceanography, ocean physics, exchange and mixing, remote sensing/HF radar, off-shore wind |
Frieder Klein, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | fluid-rock interactions, oceanic crust, hydrothermal systems |
Mathias Kolle, Associate Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | dynamic optical materials formed from fluids and elastomers, bioinspired photonics, biological structure formation principles, light management in algae cultures, marine biological optics |
Elizabeth B. Kujawinski, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | organic geochemistry, microbial ecology, high-resolution mass spectrometry, biogeochemical cycles, bacterial-protozoan interactions |
Young-Oh Kwon, Senior Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | ocean’s role in climate, climate variability, large-scale circulation, mode water |
Susan Q. Lang, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | water-rock-microbe interactions; aqueous biogeochemistry; stable and radioisotopes (13C, 14C, 15N, 34S) |
Andone Lavery, Senior Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | acoustic scattering processes |
Isabela Le Bras, Assistant Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | large-scale ocean circulation, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Arctic, observations, western boundary current dynamics |
Veronique Le Roux, Associate Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Marine Geology and Geophysics | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | petrology, geochemistry, experiments, 3-D imaging, deep Earth |
John J. Leonard, Professor | |
Associte Director of the Joint Program | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sensor data fusion, autonomous underwater vehicles, adaptive echolocation |
Yang Liao, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Physical Volcanology, Hydrothermal circulation, Geophysical Fluids Dynamics, Turbulence, and Analogue experiments. |
Yaqin Liu, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Economic model on coupled human and natural systems, climatic impact on marine resources, mitigation strategies and conservation measures |
Daniel Lizarralde, Associate Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology, geophysics |
Joel Llopiz, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | fish, fish larvae, zooplankton, trophic interactions, larval ecology |
Matt Long, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Benthic biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, eutrophication, turbulent exchange, eddy covariance, air-sea exchange, in-situ chemical sensor and instrument development, coastal ecosystem dynamics |
Amala Mahadevan, Senior Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Physical Oceanography | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Physical-biological interactions, upper ocean processes, fronts and eddies |
Nicholas Makris, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | acoustical oceanography, underwater imaging, matched field tomography |
Ted Maksym, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sea ice, polar regions, ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions, polar technology |
Olivier Marchal, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paleoclimatology |
John Marshall, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | ocean modeling, climate, biogeochemical cycles, geophysical fluid dynamics |
Seth McCammon, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Field Robotics, Multirobot Systems, Adaptive Exploration and Sampling Algorithms |
David McGee, Associate Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoclimatology, isotope geochemistry, U-Th geochronology |
Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | mesoscale dynamics, upper ocean processes, numerical modeling |
Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Larval dispersal, benthic ecology, invertebrates, island-like habitats, maritime heritage ecology |
Anna Michel, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | instrumentation, sensor development, trace gas sensing, laser spectroscopy |
Brent Minchew, Associate Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geophysics, glaciology, ice-sheet dynamics, remote sensing observations of ice flow, fluid and solid mechanics |
T. Aran Mooney, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | sensory biology, hearing, physiology, bioacoustics, sensory ecology, marine mammals, squid |
Laura Motta, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Stable Isotopes, Mercury, Photochemistry, Biogeochemical Cycles, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Theoretical Chemistry, Relativistic Quantum Chemistry |
Xavier Mouy, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | bioacoustics; signal processing; machine learning; passive acoustic monitoring of fishes, pinnipeds and whales |
Lauren Mullineaux, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Benthic community resilience, larval ecology, deep-sea ecology |
Heidi M. Nepf, Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | turbulence, wave-breaking, estuaries |
Michael Neubert, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | mathematical ecology, theoretical population biology, community ecology |
David (Roo) Nicholson, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea exchange, autonomous observations, biogeochemical cycles, carbon cycle science, ecosystem modeling, gas tracers, geochemical modeling, global change, isotope geochemistry, primary production, marine carbon dioxide removal, sensor development |
Sune Nielsen, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Isotope geochemistry, novel paleoclimate proxies, mantle geochemistry, subduction processes, thallium isotopes, vanadium isotopes |
Shuhei Ono, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | stable isotope, biogeochemical cycle, mass-independent fractionation, deep biosphere, hydrothermal deposit, Archean |
Alan Oppenheim, Professor | |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | signal processing, geophysical signal processing, chaotic and fractal signals |
Delia W. Oppo, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paleoclimatology |
Maria Pachiadaki, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | metagenomics, single cell genomics, metatranscriptomics, dark ocean, oxygen minimum zones, microbial ecology, microbial function, chemoautotrophy, nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle |
Matej Pec, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental rock deformation, melting and melt migration, semi-brittle flow, fault rocks |
Taylor Perron, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geomorphology, planetary surface processes, landscape evolution, self-organization |
Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geochemistry, global element cycles, hard-rock geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, mantle geochemistry, sedimentary geochemistry, trace elements, Globa Rivers Observatory |
Robert S. Pickart, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | western boundary currents, ventilation, deep convection |
Christopher Piecuch, Assistant Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sea level change, ocean circulation, Bayesian methods, numerical modeling |
Jesús Pineda, Senior Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Biological Oceanography | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | larval ecology, benthic ecology |
Desiree Plata, Associate Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental chemistry, environmentally and economically sustainable design |
Albert J. Plueddemann, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea interaction, upper ocean processes, surface boundary layer |
Kurt L. Polzin, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | internal waves, mixing, stirring, fine structure |
Lawrence J. Pratt, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | deep overflows, chaos, meanders, hydraulic |
David Ralston, Senior Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Applied Ocean Science & Engineering | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | estuarine physics, sediment transport, physical-biological interactions |
Britt Raubenheimer, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | surf and swashzone processes, wave runup, alongshore currents, morphology, hurricane impacts, groundwater-ocean-beach interactions |
Chris Reddy, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental biogeochemistry, environmental chemistry, organic chemistry |
Wim van Rees, Assistant Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Bio-inspired propulsion, Numerical methods for fluids and |
Daniel J. Repeta, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | carbon cycle science, climate, colloid chemistry, diagenesis, ecosystem dynamics, environmental biogeochemistry, environmental chemistry, estuarine sciences, geomicrobiology, global change, global element cycles, microbial biogeochemistry, nuclear and radioactive waste disposal |
Daniel H. Rothman, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | numerical models of nonlinear dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, and pattern formation; theoretical models of rock physics; numerical methods for seismology |
Nicholas Roy, Professor | |
Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | autonomy, planning, machine learning |
Leigh H. Royden, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | regional geology and geophysics; plate tectonics, thermal effects of continental deformation; mechanics of large-scale continental deformation; lithospheric flexure; continental extensions and sedimentary basin formation; uplift and erosion in mountain belts |
Svenja Ryan, Assistant Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Meso-scale to large-scale oceanography, observational oceanography, coastal oceans and open ocean connections, ocean-ice(shelf) interaction, North Atlantic, Southern Ocean/Antarctica |
Catherine Rychert, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics, seismology, earthquake, body wave, receiver function, converted phase, scattered phase, sensitivity kernel, SS precursor, lithosphere, asthenosphere, marine geophysics, subduction, mantle dynamics, transform fault, mid-ocean ridge, ocean lithosphere, ocean bottom seismology, hot spot, plume, rift, DAS, fiber optics, geodesy, big data, machine learning, inversion, waveform modelling, volcanoes, hazard, sea level change, oceanography, climate change, mantle transition zone, partial melt, volatile cycle |
Irina I. Rypina, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | transport, stirring and mixing in geophysical flows, ocean dynamics, dynamical systems theory, chaos, eddy, Hamiltonian dynamics |
Serguei Saavedra, Associate Professor | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | ecological networks |
Mak Saito, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Trace element biogeochemistry, metal-microbes interactions, cyanobacteriology, marine metalloenzymes, environmental genomics and proteomics, evolution of biogeochemical cycles |
Themistoklis Sapsis, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Reduced order modeling of chaotic and turbulent flows, quantification of extreme events in nonlinear systems, targeted energy transfer in mechanical systems, engergy harvesting from stochastic sources |
Mei Sato, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | zooplankton, fish, biological-physical interactions, predator-prey interactions, bioacoustics |
Henrik Schmidt, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | numerical modeling, seismo-acoustic propagation |
Malcolm Scully, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal and estuarine circulation; turbulent mixing; sediment transport; hypoxia/anoxia |
Jeffrey S. Seewald, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | deep-sea hydrothermal processes, fluid-rock interaction, geochemical modeling, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, mid-ocean ridges, petroleum science, sedimentary geochemistry |
Alan Seltzer, Assistant Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | paleoclimate, air-sea gas exchange, hydroclimate, groundwater, isotope geochemistry, hydrology, noble gas geochemistry |
Hyodae Seo, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Air-sea interactions, Coupled climate dynamics and modeling, Regional climate variability and change |
Sarah Shackleton, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoclimate, glaciology, and geochemistry |
Timothy Shank, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | population genetics, hydrothermal vents |
Michelle R. Shero, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine mammal, physiology, reproduction, behavior |
Elizabeth Sibert, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Paleoecology, biological oceanography, marine ecosystem evolution, fish, sharks, paleobiology, paleoceanography, ocean drilling, microfossil, ichthyoliths |
Stefan Sievert, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | marine microbiology, microbial ecology, microbial physiology, cultivation, hydrothermal vents, sulfur cycle, chemolithoautotrophy, carbon fixation, dark ocean |
Alexander Slocum, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | precision machine design, symbiotic systems, sargassum sequestration, ocean mining |
Madison Smith, Assistant Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sea ice, ice-ocean interactions, polar regions, surface waves, climate modeling, Arctic Ocean |
Robert A. Sohn, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; marine seismology |
Heidi M. Sosik, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | plankton ecology, time series observations |
Michael A. Spall, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | numerical modeling, mesoscale flows, boundary currents |
John Stegeman, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | biochemistry, environmental toxicology |
Adam V. Subhas, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | carbon cycle, calcium carbonate, biomineralization, sediment geochemistry |
Roger E. Summons, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | biogeochemistry and geobiology with the following themes: lipid chemistry of geologically significant microbes and microbially dominated ecostsyems; organic and isotopic indicators of climate change, biotic evolution and mass extinction; age- and environment-diagnostic biomarkers in sediments and petroleum; Archean, Proterozoic and extraterrestrialbiogeochemical fossils |
Ann M. Tarrant, Senior Scientist | |
Associate Dean | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Ecophysiology, Dormancy, Invertebrates, Circadian Rhythms |
Alexandra H. Techet, Professor | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Applied Ocean Sciences and Engineering | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | |
Carolyn Tepolt, Associate Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Evolutionary biology, ecological genomics, rapid adaptation, ecophysiology, species invasions, thermal biology, host-parasite interactions, invertebrate biology, larval dispersal |
Robert Todd, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes, upper ocean processes, coastal and boundary current systems, thermohaline structure, autonomous observations |
Masako Tominaga, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Marine and rock magnetics, Deep submergence geophysics (high-resolution, near-source), Autonomous platforms and potential field sensor technology, oceanic lithosphere, Pacific plate evolution, Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous GPTS, Time Series |
John M. Toole, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | polar oceanography, mixing, general circulation, air-sea interaction, instrument development |
Peter A. Traykovski, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics, bedform processes |
Michael Triantafyllou, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | fluid-structure interactions, autonomous underwater vehicles |
Caroline Ummenhofer, Associate Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | climate variability and change, hydrological cycle, monsoons, extreme events, Indian Ocean, Southern Hemisphere extratropics, paleoclimate, historical climatology, bio-physical interactions |
Robert van der Hilst, Professor | |
Department Head | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | seismic tomography; studies of earth structure with emphasis on mantle beneath convergent plate boundaries; tectonic evolution of subduction systems; mantle dynamics; structure and evolution of continental lithosphere; field studies with portable seismometers |
Benjamin Van Mooy, Senior Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | organic geochemistry, molecular biology, global biogeochemical cycles, microbial ecology, planktonic nutrient dynamics, carbon export |
J. Kim Vandiver, Professor | |
Director, Edgerton Center | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | flow-induced vibration, dynamics of offshore structures |
James Wainaina, Assistant Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Computational Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology, Virology,Global Oceans |
Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | carbonate system, inorganic carbon, marine CO2 removal, Monitoring Recording and Verification (MRV), ocean acidification, chemical sensors, Blue Carbon, wetlands, carbon cycle, coastal biogeochemistry, marine chemistry |
Scott Wankel, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | nitrogen cycling, links between redox cycling of metals and nitrogen/carbon, biogeochemistry of coastal and seafloor vent/seep systems, stable isotope biogeochemistry |
Collin Ward, Associate Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | aquatic photochemistry, biogeochemistry, and organic geochemistry |
Benjamin Weiss, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | planetary history, paleomagnetism, early Earth, dynamo, Mars, Moon, asteroids, meteorites, planetary habitability and climate |
Brandon Weissbourd, Assistant Professor | |
Biology, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Neuroscience, behavior, jellyfish, cnidarian, evolution, development |
Robert A. Weller, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | upper ocean processes, boundary layer meteorology, observations |
Wenbo Wu, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Seismology, Seismic ocean thermometry, Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Ocean acoustics, Seismic imaging of deep Earth interior, Numerical simulations of seismic wave propagations |
Jiayan Yang, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Arctic ocean, marginal seas, ocean modeling, climate |
Dana R. Yoerger, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | robotics, Autonomous Benthic Explorer, deep sea observatories |
Lisan Yu, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | climate, equatorial dynamics |
Dick K.P. Yue, Professor | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | vortex dynamics, wave kinematics, hydromechanics |
W. Gordon Zhang, Associate Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Coastal ocean dynamics, biophysical interaction, Polar oceanography, coral reef hydrodynamics, adaptive sampling |
Daniel P. Zitterbart, Associate Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | collective behavior, bioacoustics, species distribution modelling, remote observation systems, polar research, passive acoustics monitoring, ocean acoustics |
Maria T. Zuber, Professor | |
Vice President for Research | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | theoretical modeling of geophysical processes; models of lithosphere deformation and the physics of volcanism; relationships between gravity, topography, and tectonic features in determining the mechanical structures and states of stress in planetary lithospheres; development and implementation of space-based laser ranging systems |
Retired/Emeritus Faculty
Arthur B. Baggeroer, Professor Emeritus | |
Mechanical Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sonar, ocean acoustics, adaptive arrays |
Robert C. Beardsley, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal circulation, observations, tides, physical-biological coupling |
Kenneth H. Brink, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal, topographic effects, SeaSoar |
Hal Caswell, Scientist Emeritus | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | mathematical ecology, population biology |
Alan D. Chave, Scientist Emeritus | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | seafloor observatories, electromagnetic measurements, instrumentation |
Henry J. B. Dick, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | igneous petrology & geochemistry |
Timothy F. Duda, Senior Scientist | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | ocean sound propagation, acoustic tomography, acoustic remote sensing, internal waves |
Kerry A. Emanuel, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | global climate, tropical cyclone activity |
J. Brian Evans, Professor Emeritus | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | effect of fluids and iimpurities on strength; interrelationships of porosity, permeability; and plastic flow |
John W. Farrington, Dean Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biogeochemistry of organic contaminants; marine organic geochemistry; science education; science-policy interactions; oil pollution; contaminated sediments; ocean environmental quality |
Daniel J. Fornari, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geologist; seafloor tectonics and volcanism |
Nelson M Frew, Oceanographer Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | air-sea exchange, remote sensing, sea-surface microlayer |
W. Rockwell Geyer, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | estuaries, coastal hydrodynamics, dispersion, sediment transport, morphodynamics |
David M. Glover, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea exchange, carbon cycle science, carbon dioxide, computer simulation and modeling, geochemical modeling, global change, nutrient chemistry, ocean chemistry, ocean tracers, particle fluxes, remote sensing, seawater properties |
Karl R. Helfrich, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geophysical fluid dynamics, stratified flows, hydraulics, laboratory experiments |
Harold F. Hemond, Professor Emeritus | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biogeochemistry and hydrology of wetlands; chemical limnology; in-situ instrumentation |
Rui Xin Huang, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | energetics, thermocline structure, thermohaline, wind-driven circulation, climate |
Susan E. Humphris, Scientists Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine geochemistry |
William J. Jenkins, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea exchange, carbon cycle science, climate, computer simulation and modeling, deep-sea hydrothermal processes, ecosystem dynamics, geochemical modeling, global change, global element cycles, isotope geochemistry, nutrient chemistry, ocean circulation, ocean tracers, particle fluxes, radiochemistry, sediment-seawater exchange |
Terrence M. Joyce, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | general circulation, oceanic variability, climate |
Lloyd D. Keigwin, Jr., Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paloeclimatology |
Mark D. Kurz, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | hard-rock geochemistry |
Steven J. Lentz, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal oceanography, wind-driven circulation, buoyancy-driven circulation, boundary layer dynamics |
Jian Lin, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geodynamics; marine geophysics |
James F. Lynch, Scientist Emeritus | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | underwater acoustics, shallow water acoustics, arctic acoustics, acoustic tomography, high-frequency backscatter from particles |
William R. Martin, Scientist Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | diagenesis, radiochemistry, sediment-seawater exchange, sedimentary geochemistry |
Michael S. McCartney, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | circulation, climate, water mass |
Daniel C. McCorkle, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | benthic geochemistry |
Judith E. McDowell, Scientist Emeritus | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | physiology, environmental toxicology |
Ann McNichol, Senior Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | radiocarbon, carbon cycle science, organic geochemistry |
W. Brechner Owens, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | large-scale circulation, climate, observations, floats, ice |
Joseph Pedlosky, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | equatorial jets and undercurrents, baroclinic instability, eddies and topography |
James C. Preisig, Scientist Emeritus | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | acoustic propagation modeling, signal processing, numerical optimization, communications |
James F. Price, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | deep overflows, observations, upper ocean dynamics |
Andrey Proshutinsky, Senior Scientist | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | arctic ocean, tides, numerical modeling, climate |
Paola Rizzoli, Professor Emeritus | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | climate, general ocean circulation, ecosystem models, data assimilation |
Raymond W. Schmitt, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | mixing, salt fingers, water cycle, observations |
Nobumichi Shimizu, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | solid earth geochemistry |
Edward R. Sholkovitz, Scientist Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | atmospheric chemistry, coastal groundwater, estuarine sciences, geochemistry, remote sensing, sedimentary geochemistry, trace elements |
Andrew R. Solow, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | environmental statistics, statistical ecology |
Timothy K. Stanton, Scientist Emeritus | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | acoustic scattering, marine organisms, sea ice, scattering models |
Ralph A. Stephen, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology; geoacoustics |
Margaret K. Tivey, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | deep-sea hydrothermal processes, geochemical modeling, geochemistry, mid-ocean ridges |
Maurice A. Tivey, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; marine magnetism |
John H. Trowbridge, Scientist Emeritus | |
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysical boundary layers, mechanics of sediment transport, shelf and nearshore processes |
Brian E. Tucholke, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; tectonics |
Jean K. Whelan, Oceanographer Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geochemistry, geomicrobiology, organic chemistry, organic geochemistry, petroleum science, remote sensing, trace elements |
John A. Whitehead, Scientist Emeritus | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | laboratory studies, geophysical fluid dynamics, convection |
Carl Wunsch, Professor Emeritus | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | global ocean circulation, altimetry, inverse methods and state estimation, mixing processes, tides, internal waves, paleoclimate |
Oliver C. Zafiriou, Scientist Emeritus | |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | air-sea exchange, carbon dioxide, environmental biogeochemistry, environmental chemistry, ocean chemistry, organic chemistry, photochemistry |