Marine Geology and Geophysics
Andrew D. Ashton, Associate Scientist | |
Education Coordinator | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes, geomorphology |
Kristin Bergmann, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | sedimentology, clumped isotope geochemistry, geobiology, Precambrian Earth History |
Joan M. Bernhard, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biogeochemical sedimentology, foraminiferal ecology and paleoecology |
Juan Pablo Canales, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics, marine seismic reflection/refraction |
Anne Cohen, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | biomineralization, ocean acidification, paleoceanography, low temperature geochemistry |
John A. Collins, Senior Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology |
Alan Condron, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | climate modeling, paleoclimate, icebergs, sea ice, abrupt climate change |
Kassandra Costa, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Paleoceanography, Sediment Geochemistry, Paleo-proxies |
Andrew Cross, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | rock rheology, ice dynamics, laboratory experiments, microstructure characterization |
Sarah B. Das, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | glaciology; paleoclimatology |
Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes; sedimentology |
Virginia Edgcomb, Senior Scientist | |
Biology, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine microbial ecology, symbioses, deep biosphere, marine protists, genetic tools, oxygen-depleted water columns and sediments |
Rob. L Evans, Senior Scientist | |
Interim Vice President Academic Programs/ Dean | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; electromagnetics |
Gregory P. Fournier, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | |
Glenn Gaetani, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental petrology |
Chris R. German, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geologic controls, hydrothermal activity, chemosynthetic ecosystems |
Liviu Giosan, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | coastal processes; sedimentology |
Timothy L. Grove, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental phase equilibrium and kinetic studies to develop an understanding of the chemical evolution of the earth’s mantle at ocean spreading centers; mantle melting processes that lead to the generation of mid-ocean ridge basalts and crystallization and chemical differentiation that accompanies the formation of oceanic crust |
Weifu Guo, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | clumped isotope geochemistry, paleoceanography, biomineralization, isotope biogeochemistry, global change |
Bradford Hager, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Numerical modelling of solid-state convection at high Rayleigh numbers; study of the Earth’s gravity field; core-mantle coupling; space-geodetic observations of surface deformation; dynamical processes in the interiors of the terrestrial planets |
Nick Harmon, Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | A marine geophysicist and seismologist interested in plate tectonics and mantle dynamics |
Forrest Horton, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | mantle geochemistry, hotspot volcanism, noble gas systematics, petrochronology, ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism |
Di Jin, Senior Scientist | |
Marine Policy Center, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | integrated economic and ecological models, integrated economic and geological models |
Susan Q. Lang, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | water-rock-microbe interactions; aqueous biogeochemistry; stable and radioisotopes (13C, 14C, 15N, 34S) |
Veronique Le Roux, Associate Scientist | |
Chair, Joint Committee for Marine Geology and Geophysics | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | petrology, geochemistry, experiments, 3-D imaging, deep Earth |
Yang Liao, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Physical Volcanology, Hydrothermal circulation, Geophysical Fluids Dynamics, Turbulence, and Analogue experiments. |
Daniel Lizarralde, Associate Scientist | |
Department Chair | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology, geophysics |
Olivier Marchal, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paleoclimatology |
David McGee, Associate Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoclimatology, isotope geochemistry, U-Th geochronology |
Brent Minchew, Associate Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | geophysics, glaciology, ice-sheet dynamics, remote sensing observations of ice flow, fluid and solid mechanics |
Sune Nielsen, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Isotope geochemistry, novel paleoclimate proxies, mantle geochemistry, subduction processes, thallium isotopes, vanadium isotopes |
Shuhei Ono, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | stable isotope, biogeochemical cycle, mass-independent fractionation, deep biosphere, hydrothermal deposit, Archean |
Delia W. Oppo, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paleoclimatology |
Matej Pec, Assistant Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | experimental rock deformation, melting and melt migration, semi-brittle flow, fault rocks |
Taylor Perron, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geomorphology, planetary surface processes, landscape evolution, self-organization |
Daniel H. Rothman, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | numerical models of nonlinear dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, and pattern formation; theoretical models of rock physics; numerical methods for seismology |
Leigh H. Royden, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | regional geology and geophysics; plate tectonics, thermal effects of continental deformation; mechanics of large-scale continental deformation; lithospheric flexure; continental extensions and sedimentary basin formation; uplift and erosion in mountain belts |
Catherine Rychert, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics, seismology, earthquake, body wave, receiver function, converted phase, scattered phase, sensitivity kernel, SS precursor, lithosphere, asthenosphere, marine geophysics, subduction, mantle dynamics, transform fault, mid-ocean ridge, ocean lithosphere, ocean bottom seismology, hot spot, plume, rift, DAS, fiber optics, geodesy, big data, machine learning, inversion, waveform modelling, volcanoes, hazard, sea level change, oceanography, climate change, mantle transition zone, partial melt, volatile cycle |
Sarah Shackleton, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoclimate, glaciology, and geochemistry |
Elizabeth Sibert, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Paleoecology, biological oceanography, marine ecosystem evolution, fish, sharks, paleobiology, paleoceanography, ocean drilling, microfossil, ichthyoliths |
Robert A. Sohn, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; marine seismology |
Masako Tominaga, Associate Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | Marine and rock magnetics, Deep submergence geophysics (high-resolution, near-source), Autonomous platforms and potential field sensor technology, oceanic lithosphere, Pacific plate evolution, Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous GPTS, Time Series |
Robert van der Hilst, Professor | |
Department Head | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | seismic tomography; studies of earth structure with emphasis on mantle beneath convergent plate boundaries; tectonic evolution of subduction systems; mantle dynamics; structure and evolution of continental lithosphere; field studies with portable seismometers |
Benjamin Weiss, Professor | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | planetary history, paleomagnetism, early Earth, dynamo, Mars, Moon, asteroids, meteorites, planetary habitability and climate |
Wenbo Wu, Assistant Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | Seismology, Seismic ocean thermometry, Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Ocean acoustics, Seismic imaging of deep Earth interior, Numerical simulations of seismic wave propagations |
Maria T. Zuber, Professor | |
Vice President for Research | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Website | |
Keywords: | theoretical modeling of geophysical processes; models of lithosphere deformation and the physics of volcanism; relationships between gravity, topography, and tectonic features in determining the mechanical structures and states of stress in planetary lithospheres; development and implementation of space-based laser ranging systems |
Retired/Emeritus Faculty
Henry J. B. Dick, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | igneous petrology & geochemistry |
J. Brian Evans, Professor Emeritus | |
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | effect of fluids and iimpurities on strength; interrelationships of porosity, permeability; and plastic flow |
Daniel J. Fornari, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geologist; seafloor tectonics and volcanism |
Susan E. Humphris, Scientists Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine geochemistry |
Lloyd D. Keigwin, Jr., Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | paleoceanography; paloeclimatology |
Jian Lin, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geodynamics; marine geophysics |
Michael S. McCartney, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Physical Oceanography, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | circulation, climate, water mass |
Daniel C. McCorkle, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | benthic geochemistry |
Ann McNichol, Senior Research Specialist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | radiocarbon, carbon cycle science, organic geochemistry |
Nobumichi Shimizu, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | solid earth geochemistry |
Ralph A. Stephen, Emeritus Research Scholar | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | marine seismology; geoacoustics |
Maurice A. Tivey, Senior Scientist | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; marine magnetism |
Brian E. Tucholke, Scientist Emeritus | |
Geology & Geophysics, WHOI | |
Profile | |
Keywords: | geophysics; tectonics |