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Kristin Pangallo

2010 Recipient

Chemical Oceanography
Thesis title:  Halogenated 1’-methyl-1, 2’-bipyrroles (MBPs) in the Northwestern Atlantic
Advisor:  Dr. Christopher Reddy, WHOI

Some excerpts from nominations:

  • Most of what I know about improving "graduate student life" is how she improved MY life as a grad student in the three years I shared with her…she spearheaded the ordering of JP sweatshirts and organized a wine-tasting event, which was a big hit.
  • One of her responsibilities was as the Teaching Assistant to Marine Chemistry, and a number of students noted how important her service was to them.
  • The time and effort that she put into Marine Chemistry was invaluable to me. She invested a lot in the students and her commitment to us encouraged me to work harder and to strive to understand the material better.
  • She was willing to explain something as many times as it took, which for me was sometimes quite a few times.
  • Her patience and cheerful demeanor made her a real asset to student life in the Joint Program.
2010 Panteleyev Recipient Kristin Pangallo. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst, WHOI)