Erin Bertrand
Erin received her doctoral degree in Chemical Oceanography in February 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Mak Saito. Her thesis title is: Insights into vitamin B12 production, acquisition, and use by marine microbes.
Some excerpts from nominations:
- Although she was very modest about her contributions, she has worked to improve student life through various behind-the-scenes work. She always volunteered herself for help with JP activities and was a fantastic mentor for junior students.
- She was a very active member of the student community, having been Marine Chemistry TA, serving as student rep, and playing second base on the softball team. Even in impromptu meetings, Erin greeted me with a hug, remembered whatever we had last talked about, and offered words of support and advice.
- As a TA in Marine Chemistry, she helped many of us make sense of endless box models, diagenesis, and global nutrient distributions. Not only does she have an encyclopaedic memory for all things Marine Chem (complete with references), but her patience and willingness to help others was constant and unyielding. I consider myself a better scientist for the friendship and care of Erin Bertrand, and many students owe her greatly for her years of kindness.
- She has been a very supportive presence in the Chemical Oceanography program, making it a point to attend practice defenses, both thesis proposal and final, always has an encouraging word for any student she meets, served as a Student Rep, and generally always has a positive attitude, which goes a long way.
- When things needed to happen, Erin has followed through and taken care of business. Woods Hole isn't the same without her!