- Applied Ocean Science and Engineering
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- A Virtual Ocean framework for environmentally adaptive, embedded acoustic navigation on autonomous underwater
- A Planned Approach to High Collision Risk Area
- Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orhttps://mit.whoi.edu/academics/fields/aope/aope-recent-dissertations-and-theses/stochastic-acoustic-ray-tracing-with-dynamically-orthogonal-equations/thogonal Equations
- Enabling Human-Robot Cooperation in Scientific Exploration of Bandwidth-Limited Environments
- Multi-path Penalty Metric in Underwater Acoustic Communication for Autonomy and Human Decision-making
- Environmental Effects of the Beaufort Lens on Underwater Acoustic Communications during Arctic Operations
- Survey Techniques to Examine Morphological Evolution of Coastal Regions
- Ambient Acoustics as Indicator of Environmental Change in the Beaufort Sea: Experiments & Methods for Analysis
- Human-Autonomy Teaming for Improved Diver Navigation
- Automated Open Circuit Scuba Diver Detection with Low Cost Passive Sonar and Machine Learning
- The Effect of Attenuation from Fish on Long-Range Active and Passive Acoustic Sensing in the Ocean
- Barrier Island Groundwater Dynamics
- Wingsail Design Methodology and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Autonomous Sailing
- Field-Portable Dissolved Gas Sensing and Perspectives in Aqueous Microplastic Detection
- Signal Absorption-Based Range Estimator for Undersea Swarms
- Advances in Passive Acoustic Detection, Localization, and Tracking Applied to Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
- Query-Driven Adaptive Sampling
- Developing the Next Generation of Autonomous Underwater Gliders
- High Frequency Acoustic Propagation and Modeling in Stratified Estuaries
- Mechanisms of Tidal Dispersion in a Salt Marsh Estuary
- Oceanic Ambient Noise in the Arctic on the Chukchi Shelf: Broadband Characteristics and Environmental Drivers
- Balancing Exploration and Exploitation: Task-Targeted Exploration for Scientific Decision-Making
- A Practical Search with Voronoi Distributed Autonomous Marine Swarms
- In-situ Characterization of Sea State with Improved Navigation on an Autonomous Underwater Glider
- Adaptive Robotic Search and Sampling of Sparse Natural Phenomena
- Underwater & Out of Sight: Towards Ubiquity in Underwater Robotics
- Processes of Stratification Breakdown and Restratification in Antarctic Coastal Polynyas
- Dense, Sonar-Based Reconstruction of Underwater Scenes
- Coordinated Tracking and Interception of an Acoustic Target Using Autonomous Surface Vehicles
- Enabling Human-Multi-Robot Collaborative Visual Exploration in Underwater Environments
- Morphological Approaches To Understanding Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness
- Robust Non-Gaussian Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Development and Deployment of a Novel Deep-Sea in situ Bubble Sampling Instrument for Understanding the Fate of Methane in the Water Column
- Adaptive Sampling of Transient Environmental Phenomena with Autonomous Mobile Platforms
- Computational Approaches for Sub-Meter Ocean Color Remote Sensing
- Modifiable Stability and Maneuverability of High Speed Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Through Bioinspired Control Fins
- A Method for On-line Water Current Velocity Estimation Using Low-cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Advancing the theory and applications of Lagrangian Coherent Structures methods for oceanic surface flows
- Automated Open Circuit Scuba Diver Detection with Low Cost Passive Sonar and Machine Learning
- Observing Microbial Processes at the Microscale with In Situ Technology
- Perception-Driven Optimal Motion Planning Under Resource Constraints
- Statistical Models and Decision Making for Robotic Scientific Information Gathering
- Demonstration of Passive Acoustic Detection and Tracking of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
- Measurements and Dynamics of Multiple Scale Bedforms in Tidally Energetic Environments
- MEMS IMU Navigation with Model Based Dead-Reckoning and One-Way-Travel-Time Acoustic Range Measurements for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Field Observations and Numerical Model Simulations of a Migrating Inlet System
- Multi-Modal and Inertial Sensor Solution to Navigation-Type Factor Graphs
- Low Frequency Active Sonar Performance in the Arctic Beaufort Lens
- Wave-, Wind-, and Tide-Driven Circulation at a Coastal Ocean Inlet
- Extraction of Uranium from Seawater: Design and Testing of a Symbiotic System
- Graphical Model Driven Methods in Adaptive System Identification
- Distributed Autonomy and Formation Control of a Drifting Swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Navigation and Manipulation for Autonomous Underwater Dismantling of Offshore Structures
- Hydrodynamics of a Multiple Tidal Inlet System: Katama Bay, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
- Real Time Bottom Reverberation Simulation in Deep and Shallow Ocean Environments
- Physical Control of the Distributions of a Key Arctic Copepod in the Northeast Chukchi Sea
- Characterization of Underwater Target Geometry from Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sampling of Bistatic Acoustic Scattered Fields
- Quantification of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Stratified Shear Instabilities at High Reynolds Number Using Quantitative Acoustic Scattering Techniques
- Scattering of the Low-Mode Internal Tide at the Line Islands Ridge
- Controller Design for Underwater Vehicle Systems with Communication Constraints
- Autonomous & Adaptive Oceanographic Feature Tracking On Board Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Passive Wake Detection Using Seal Whisker-Inspired Sensing
- The Development and Application of Random Matrix Theory in Adaptive Signal Processing in the Sample Deficient Regime
- Evaluation of Vector Sensors for Adaptive Equalization in Underwater Acoustic Communication
- Coastal Ocean Variability off the Coast of Taiwan in Response to Typhoon Morakot: River Forcing, Atmospheric Forcing, and Cold Dome Dynamics
- A Computational Approach to the Quantification of Animal Camouflage
- Toward Autonomous Underwater Mapping in Partially Structured 3D Environments
- Interannual Variability of the Pacific Water Boundary Current in the Beaufort Sea
- Computational Strategies for Understanding Underwater Optical Image Datasets
- Toward Lifelong Visual Localization and Mapping
- Advances in Integrating Autonomy with Acoustic Communications for Intelligent Networks of Marine Robots
- Broadband and Statistical Characterization of Echoes from Random Scatterers: Application to Acoustic Scattering by Marine Organisms
- Uncertainty Quantification in Ocean State Estimation
- Measuring Surface Ocean Wave Height and Directional Spectra Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Robust Acoustic Signal Detection and Synchronization in a Time Varying Ocean Environment
- Non-Rayleigh Scattering by a Randomly Oriented Elongated Scatterer
- Stratification on the Skagit Bay Tidal Flats
- Direct-Form Adaptive Equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communication
- Rapid Extraction of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon from Seawater and Groundwater Samples for Radiocarbon Dating
- Progressively Communicating Rich Telemetry from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles via Relays
- Contributions to Automated Realtime Underwater Navigation
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation and Mapping in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments
- Multiple-Vehicle Resource-Constrained Navigation in the Deep Ocean
- Field Measurements of a Swell Band, Shore Normal, Flux Divergence Reversal
- Field Deployable Dynamic Lighting System for Turbid Water Imaging
- Three-Dimensional Acoustic Propagation Through Shallow Water Internal, Surface Gravity and Bottom Sediment Waves
- Computational Imaging and Automated Identification for Aqueous Environments
- K-distribution Fading Models for Bayesian Estimation of an Underwater Acoustic Channel
- Performance Analysis for Lateral-Line-Inspired Sensor Arrays
- Understanding and Utilizing Waveguide Invariant Range-Frequency Striations in Ocean Acoustic Waveguides
- Analysis of and Techniques for Adaptive Equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communication
- Modeling Wind Forcing in Phase Resolving Simulation of Nonlinear Wind Waves
- A Study of Ocean Wave Statistical Properties Using Nonlinear, Directional, Phase-Resolved Ocean Wave-Field Simulations
- Environmental Analysis and Prediction of Transmission Loss in the Region of the New England Shelfbreak
- Physically Constrained Maximum Likelihood (PCML) Mode Filtering and Its Application as a Pre-Processing Method for Underwater Acoustic Communication
- Internal Tide Generation by Tall Ocean Ridges
- Modeling and Frequency Tracking of Marine Mammal Whistle Calls
- Detection, Classification and Localization of Underwater Mines Using a Virtual Time Reversal Mirror
- Variable Buoyancy System Metric
- Sound Propagation around Underwater Seamounts
- CFD Study of Hydrodynamic Signal Perception by Fish Using the Lateral Line System
- Cooperative Navigation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Forward Sound Propagation around Seamounts: Application of Acoustic Models to the Kermit-Roosevelt and Elvis Seamounts
- A Parallel Hypothesis Method of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation
- Biological Oceanography
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- An Assessment of the Biodistribution, Persistence, and Health Impacts of Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Fish
- Assessing anthropogenic noise impacts and relevant soundscape cues for marine invertebrates: leveraging squid and coral reefs as model systems
- Characterizing Cobalamin Cycling by Antarctic Marine Microbes across Multiple Scales
- Decoding divergence in marine protistan communities: from strain diversity to basin biogeography
- Characterization of Microbial Primary and Secondary Metabolism in the Marine Realm
- A Lagrangian perspective of mesoscale biophysical interactions in the subtropical ocean
- Environmental drivers of the abundance and distribution of forage fishes on the Northeast US shelf, with a particular emphasis on northern sand lance
- Distribution, Growth, and Transport of Larval Fishes and Implications for Population Dynamics
- Assessing the impact of domoic acid exposure on the zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain across life stages
- The Role of Zooplankton in Regulating Carbon Export and Phytoplankton Community Structure: Integrating Models and Observations
- Variations in Marine Microbiomes: From Habitat to Host
- Inference and Robotic Path Planning over High Dimensional Categorical Observations
- Trojan Horses in the Marine Realm: Characterizing Protistan Parasite Ecology in Coastal Waters
- Genomic and physiological adaptation to temperature in the invasive golden star tunicate (Botryllus schlosseri)
- Physiological and Behavioral Responses, and their Variability, in Squid, Doryteuthis Pealeii, Embryos and Paralarvae Reared Under Chronic Ocean Acidification
- Exploring circadian rhythms, food intake, and their interactions in marine invertebrates
- Impacts of developmental exposures to the harmful algal bloom toxin, domoic acid, on neural development and behavior
- Characterizing Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance, Prevalence, and Persistence in the Marine Environment
- Genetic Connectivity, Adaptation, and Phenotypic Plasticity of Corals and Anemones Under Thermal Stress
- Movements and Oceanographic Associations of Large Pelagic Fishes in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Evolutionary Conservation and Characterization of The Metazoan Amino Acid Response
- Trait-Based Modeling of Larval Dispersal in the Gulf Of Maine
- Alexandrium catanella Cyst Dynamics in a Coastal Embayment: Temperature Dependence of Dormancy, Germination, and Bloom Initiation
- Ciliate Micrograzer Dynamics of the New England Shelf
- Pteropod Shell Condition, Locomotion, and Long-term Population Trends in the Context of Ocean Acidification and Environmental Change
- Effects of Added Drag on Cetaceans: Fishing Gear Entanglement and External Tag Attachment
- Coral Reef Soundscapes: Spatiotemporal Variability and Links to Species Assemblages
- Spatiotemporal Population Genomics of Marine Species: Invasion, Expansion, and Connectivity
- Microbial Cycling of Marine High Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Matter
- Behavioral Responses of Invertebrate Larvae to Water Column Cues
- Defining the Ecological and Physiological Traits of Phytoplankton Across Marine Ecosystems
- The Choreography of Belonging: Toothed Whale Spatial Cohesion and Acoustic Communication
- Evolutionary Demography of Structured Two-Sex Populations and Sex Ratios
- Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics in Deep-Sea Ogranisms
- Interactions Between Calanoid Copepod Hosts and Their Associated Microbiota
- Population Dynamics and Diversity of Synechococcus on the New England Shelf
- Demographics of Lytic Viral Infection in Coastal Ocean Vibrio
- Microbial Production and Consumption of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
- An Investigation of the Roles of Geomagnetic and Acoustic Cues in Whale Navigation and Orientation
- Growth and Development of Larval Bay Scallops (Argopecten irradians) in Response to Early Exposure to High CO2
- The auditory system of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata): A Potential Fatty Sound Reception Pathway in a Mysticete Cetacean
- Sands and Environmental Conditions Impact the Abundance and Persistence of the Fecal Indicator Bacteria Enterococcus at Recreational Beaches
- Species-Specific Patterns in Bivalve Larval Supply to a Coastal Embayment
- Modeling the Processes Affecting Larval Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Survival on Georges Bank
- Functional Connectivity of Coral Reef Fishes in a Tropical Seascape Assessed by Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analyses
- N2 Fixation by Subsurface Populations of Trichodesmium: An Important Source of New Nitrogen to the North Atlantic Ocean
- Age, Movements, and Feeding Ecology of Northwest Atlantic White Sharks Estimated From Ecogeochemical Profiles in Vertebrae
- Larval Ecology and Synchronous Reproduction of Two Crustacean Species: Semibalanus balanoides in New England, USA and Gecarcinus quadratus in Veraguas, Panama
- Reproductive Traits of Pioneer Gastropod Species Colonizing Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents After an Eruption
- Molecular Insights into the Niche of Harmful Brown Tides
- Life Cycle Studies of the Red Tide Dinoflagellate Species Complex Alexandrium tamarense
- On the Economic Optimality of Marine Reserves When Fishing Damages Habitat
- Biology and Potential Biogeochemical Impacts of Novel Predatory Flavobacteria
- Form, Function and Flow in the Plankton: Jet Propulsion and Filtration by Pelagic Tunicates
- Phosphorus Physiology of the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
- Ecology and Population Structure of Vibrionaceae in the Coastal Ocean
- Iron Limitation and the Role of Siderophores in Marine Synechococcus
- Diversity of the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium: Characterization of the Woods Hole Culture Collection and Quantification of Field Populations
- Iron and Prochlorococcus
- Biotic and Abiotic Interactions of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent-endemic Fish on the East Pacific Rise
- Chemical Oceanography
- Tracking carbon fluxes across ocean interfaces using dissolved gas observations
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- High resolution, in-situ studies of seawater carbonate chemistry and carbon cycling in coastal systems using CHANnelized Optical System II
- Barium isotope cycling in the marine environment: Pathways of fractionation and implications for paleoceanographic applications
- Assessing the potential for zinc limitation of marine primary production: proteomic characterization of the low zinc stress response in marine diatoms
- Interactions between rivers and coastal margins in the Alaskan Arctic
- Molecular Characterization of Organically Bound Copper in the Marine Environment
- Microbial glycerolipids in the global ocean: environmental controls and sinking flux dynamics
- From the atmosphere to the abyss: Tracing organic carbon deposition, cadmium isotopes, and iron cycling using marine sediments
- Radium Isotopes and Radon-222 as Tracers of Sediment-Water Interaction in Arctic coastal and Lacustrine Environments
- Molecular-level characterization of microbial interactions with labile dissolved organic matter
- Investigating chromium cycling in global oxygen deficient zones with chromium isotopes
- Anthropogenic and natural radioisotopes as tracers for contaminant sources and particulate fluxes
- Quantifying the effects of sunlight on the fate of oil spilled at sea
- Quantifying the effects of sunlight on the fate of oil spilled at sea
- Phosphonate Biogeochemical Cycling in the Marine Environment: from an Ocean Scale to a Molecular Scale
- Dynamics and Implications of ROS in Marine Systems
- On the non-microbial sources and sinks of dissolved metabolites in seawater
- New Insights into the Marine Oxygen Cycle from Manganese Oxide Minerals and Reactive Oxygen Species
- Protein regulation in Trichodesmium and other marine bacteria: Observational and interpretive biomarkers of biogeochemical processes
- Constraining Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Delivery of Coastal Ecosystem Services
- Radium and Mercury Dynamics in the Arctic: Investigating Terrestrial Inputs, Groundwater Discharge, and Chemical Cycling in a Changing Climate
- A Metabolic Lens on Phytoplankton Physiology
- Tracking carbon fluxes across ocean interfaces using dissolved gas observations
- Coupled cycling of metals with nitrogen and carbon in marine sediments
- Exploring the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Marine Ecosystem Health and Function
- Coupled cycling of metals with nitrogen and carbon in marine sediments
- The Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen in a Redox Stratified Pond: An Isotopic Approach
- Tropical Stony Corals Host Diverse Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics
- The Impact of Metals and Other Stress Factors on Microbial Ammonia Oxidation Physiology and Isotope Effects
- Investigating the ocean’s biological pump using thorium-234 and polonium-210
- A modeling study of the marine biogeochemistry, plankton dynamics, and carbon cycle on the continental shelf off the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Computational Analysis of the Biophysical Controls on Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Ecosystem Dynamics
- The Mineralogy and Chemistry of Modern Shallow-Water and Deep-Sea Corals
- The Production and Fate of Nitrogen Species in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments
- Scavenging and Transport of Thorium Radioisotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Boundary Inputs of Nutrients and Trace Elements to the Coastal and Open Ocean
- Biogeochemical and Phylogenetic Signals of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Microbial Metabolisms
- The Marine Biogeochemistry of Chromium Isotopes
- Carbon Transformations in Seafloor Serpentinization Systems
- An Investigation of Basin-Scale Controls on Upper Ocean Export and Remineralization
- The Geochemistry of Methane Isotopologues
- The Remineralization of Marine Organic Matter by Diverse Biological and Abiotic Processes
- Geochemical Controls on the Distribution And Composition of Biogenic and Sedimentary Carbon
- The Cobalt Cycle in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Understanding Terrestrial Organic Carbon Export: A Time-Series Approach
- Novel Analytical Strategies for Tracing the Organic Carbon Cycle in Marine and Riverine Particles
- Insight into Chemical, Biological, and Physical Processes in Coastal Waters from Dissolved Oxygen and Inert Gas Tracers
- Linking Microbial Metabolism and Organic Matter Cycling Through Metabolite Distributions in the Ocean
- Ecosystem Metabolism in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks and Ponds: Applying Triple Oxygen Isotopes and Other Gas Tracers to Novel Environments
- The Biogeochemistry of Lipid Derived Infochemical Signals in the Ocean
- Molecular Determination of Marine Iron Ligands by Mass Spectrometry
- Late Quaternary Climate Variability and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in Tropical South America
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Hydrology and Geochemistry of an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Using Passive Samplers to Assess Bioavailability, Toxicity, and Reactivity of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals (HOCS)
- A Magmatic Trigger for the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum?
- Geochemistry of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise, Caribbean Sea
- Testing the Ancient Marine Redox Record From Oxygenic Photosynthesis to Photic Zone Euxina
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Biogeochemical Processes in the Fraser River, Canada: A Coupled Organic-Inorganic Perspective
- Heterogeneous Reservoirs in the Marine Carbon Cycle
- Temporal Variability in Chemical Cycling of the Subterranean Estuary and Associated Chemical Loading to the Coastal Ocean
- Transformations of Mercury in the Marine Water Column
- The Biogeochemistry of Marine Particulate Trace Metals
- Natural and Synthetic Estrogens in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and the Coastal Ocean
- The Marine Biogeochemistry of Dissolved and Colloidal Iron
- Variations in Coral Reef Net Community Calcification and Aragonite Saturation State on Local and Global Scales
- Urea and Nickel Utilization in Marine Cyanobacteria as Evaluated by Incubation, Proteomic, and Uptake Techniques
- Evolution of Anthropogenic Pb and Pb isotopes in the Deep North Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean
- Marine Microbial Intact Polar Diacylglyceroplipids and their Application in the Study of Nutrient Stress and Bacterial Production
- Distribution of Thiols in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Advances in Measurements of Particle Cycling and Fluxes in the Ocean
- Nitrogen Cycling in Oxygen Deficient Zones : Insights from δ15N and δ18O of Nitrite and Nitrate
- Influences on the Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycling of the Hybrid-Type Metals: Cobalt, Iron, and Mangaese
- Comprehensive Study of a Heavy Fuel Oil Spill: Modeling and Analytical Approaches to Understanding Environmental Weathering
- Insights Into Vitamin B12 Production, Use, and Acquisition by Marine Microbes
- Marine Particle Dynamics: Sinking Velocities, Size Distributions, Fluxes, and Microbial Degradation Rates
- Lipid Biomarkers of Coral Stress: Calibration and Exploration
- The Biogeochemistry of Marine Nitrous Oxide
- Interactions of Cadmium, Zinc, and Phosphorus in Marine Synechococcus: Field Uptake, Physiological and Proteomic Studies
- Molecular Biogeochemistry of Modern and Ancient Marine Microbes
- Exploring the Distribution and Physiological Roles of Bacterial Membrane Lipids in the Marine Environment
- Geomicrobiology of Nitrogen in a Coastal Aquifer: Isotopic and Molecular Methods to Examine Nitrification and Denitrification in Groundwater
- Laboratory and Field-Based Investigations of Subsurface Geochemical Processes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Microbial Interactions Associated with Biofilms Attached to Trichodesmium spp. and Detrial Particles in the Ocean
- Understanding the Ocean Carbon and Sulfur Cycles in the Context of a Variable Ocean: A Study of Anthropogenic Carbon Storage and Dimethysulfide Production in the Atlantic Ocean
- Surface-Cycling of Rhenium and Its Isotopes
- Geochemical Tracers of Processes Affecting the Formation of Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
- Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Detection: Limiting the Environmental Impact of Novel Technologies
- Halogenated1′-methyl-1,2′-bipyrroles (MBPs) in the Northwestern Atlantic
- Marine Geology and Geophysics
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- Questions and Clarity: Insights from Applying Computational Methods to Paleoclimate Archives
- The Flow and Fracture of Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Coral Reefs in the Anthropocene Ocean: Novel Insights from Skeletal Proxies of Climate Change, Impacts, and Resilience
- Inferring the Thermomechanical State of the Lithosphere Using Geophysical and Geochemical Observables
- Structure and Mechanics of the Subducted Gorda Plate: Constrained by Afterslip Simulations and Scattered Seismic Waves
- The Heterogeneity and Volatile Content of Earth’s Mantle, Magmas and Crust
- Insights from Geodynamic Models Into Ice Flow, Mantle Magmatism, and Their Interactions
- Coastal Evolution on Earth and Titan
- U-Th Dating of Lacustrine Carbonates
- High Resolution Sedimentary Archives of Past Millennium Hurricane Activity in the Bahama Archipelago
- Reconstructing Atmospheric Changes in Monsoon Regions Using Eolian Dust
- Seismic and Numerical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere
- Greenlandic Ice Archives of North Atlantic Common Era Climate
- Investigating Mexican Paleoclimate with Precisely Dated Speleothems
- Wave-Driven Geomorphology of Pacific Carbonate Coastlines: From landscape to Wavelength Scale
- An inverse modeling approach to investigate deep ocean ventilation from radiocarbon records
- Geophysical and Geochemical Contraints on Submarine Volcanic Processes
- Storm Signatures in Coastal Ponds and Marshes Over the Late Holocene
- Water and Volatile Element Accretion to the Inner Planets
- Influence of Meltwater on Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Geophysical and Petrological Constraints on Ocean Plate Dynamics
- Trace Element Proxies and Mineral Indicators of Hydrothermal Fluid Composition and Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit Formation Processes
- Reconstructing Deglacial Ocean Ventilation Using Radiocarbon: Data and Inverse Modeling
- Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints on the Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere From Formation to Subduction
- Coral Biomineralization, Climate Proxies and the Sensitivity of Coral Reefs to CO2-Driven Climate Change
- A Scientific Framework for Evaluating Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change
- Little Ice Age Climate in the Western Tropical Atlantic Inferred from Coral Geochemical Proxies
- Seismic Constraints on the Processes and Consequences of Secondary Igneous Evolution of Pacific Oceanic Lithosphere
- Plan-View Evolution of Wave-Dominated Deltas
- Chemical, Isotopic, and Temporal Variations during Crustal Differentiation: Insights from the Dariv Igneous Complex, Western Mongolia
- Investigating the Evolution and Formation of Coastlines and the Response to Sea-Level Rise
- Mechanical and Geological Controls on the Long-Term Evolution of Normal Faults
- Exploring the Climate Change Refugia Potential of Equatorial Pacific Coral Reefs
- Lithospheric Dynamics of Earth’s Subduction Zones and Martian Tectonic Provinces
- Quaternary Morphology and Paleoenvironmental Records of Carbonate Islands
- Amundsen Sea Sea-Ice Variability, Atmospheric Circulation, and Spatial Variations in Snow Isotopic Composition from New West Antarctic Firn Cores
- Evolution of Oceanic Margins: Rifting in the Gulf of California and Sediment Diapirism and Mantle Hydration During Subduction
- Deep Explosive Volcanism on the Gakkel Ridge and Seismological Constraints on Ahallow Recharge at TAG Active Mound
- Climate Controls on Coral Growth in the Caribbean
- The CAFE Experiment: A Joint Seismic and MT Investigation of the Cascadia Subduction System
- Investigation of the Effect of a Circular Patch of Vegetation on Turbulence Generation and Sediment Deposition Using Four Case Studies
- Advanced Geophysical Studies of Accretion of Oceanic Lithosphere in Mid-Ocean Ridges Characterized by Contrasting Tectono-Magmatic Settings
- Earthquake Behavior and Structure of Oceanic Transform Faults
- Aridification of the Indian Subcontinent During the Holocene: Implications for Landscape Evolution, Sedimentation, Carbon Cycle and Human Civilizations
- Determining Timescales of Natural Carbonation of Peridotite in the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman
- The Centennial and Millennial Variability of the IndoPacific Warm Pool and the Indonesian Throughflow
- Constraining Circulation Changes Through the Last Deglaciation with Deep-sea Coral Radiocarbon and Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Cycling Along the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Quantifying Overwash Flux in Barrier Systems: An Example from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA
- The Response of the Red Sea to a Strong Wind Jet Near the Tokar Gap in Summer
- Late Holocene Hurricane Activity and Climate Variability in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
- Experimental Studies of Melting and Crystallization Processes in Planetary Interiors
- Syn-eruptive Degassing of a Single Submarine Lava Flow: Constraints on MORB CO2 Variability, Vesiculation, and Eruption Dynamics
- Temporal and Petrogenetic Constraints on Volcanic Accretionary Processes at 9-10 Degrees North East Pacific Rise
- Controls on Earthquake Rupture and Triggering Mechanisms in Subduction Zones
- Coral Calcifications Insights from Inorganic Experiments and Coral Responses to Environmental Variables
- Basalt Petrogenesis Beneath Slow and Ultraslow-Spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Uranium-Series Radionuclide Records of Paleoceanographic and Sedimentary Changes in the Arctic Ocean
- Tropical Cyclones Within the Sedimentary Record: Analyzing Overwash Deposition from Event to Millenial Timescales
- Low-Latitude Western North Atlantic Climate Variability During the Past Millennium: Insights from Proxies and Models
- Physical Oceanography
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- Development and Testing of the AXBT Realtime Editing System (ARES)
- Control of the abyssal ocean overturning circulation by mixing-driven bottom boundary layers
- An Analysis of Atlantic Water in the Arctic Ocean Using the Arctic Subpolar Gyre State Estimate and Observations
- Characterizing the Impact of Underwater Glider Observations on the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) in the Gulf Stream Region
- Estimating Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence in the Marine Environment Using Lidar Systems with Applications for Offshore Wind Energy
- Pseudo-nitzschia in the Gulf of Maine: investigating bloom dynamics, species introduction, and climate change implications with observations and models
- Finescale Abyssal Turbulence: Sources and Modeling
- Diagnosing the variability in temperature and velocity in the Middle Atlantic Bight
- Vertical Fluxes in the Upper Ocean
- Dynamics and Kinematics of an Estuarine Network
- Equatorial Ocean Dynamics Impacting Upwelling West of the Galápagos Archipelago
- Oceanic Response Observations due to Passing Tropical Cyclones: An Assessment of Drag and Sea Spray Parameterizations
- Residual Overturning Circulation and Its Connection to Southern Ocean Dynamics
- An Analysis of Atlantic Water in the Arctic Ocean Using the Arctic Subpolar Gyre State Estimate and Observations
- Structure, variability, and dynamics of the West Greenland Boundary Current System
- Stratified and Stirred: Monsoon Freshwater in the Bay of Bengal
- Lagrangian Dispersion and Deformation in Submesoscale Flows
- The Response of Ocean Salinity Patterns to Climate Change: Implications for Circulation
- The Influence of Heat Transport on Arctic Amplification
- Distributional Models of Ocean Carbon Export
- Chaotic Advection, Mixing, and Property Exchange in Three-Dimensional Ocean Eddies and Gyres
- Age of Air and the Circulation of the Stratosphere
- Internal Hydraulic Jumps with Upstream Shear
- Dynamics of North Atlantic Western Boundary Currents
- Physics of Diurnal Warm Layers: Turbulence, Internal Waves, and Lateral Mixing
- Inferring Ocean Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum and Last Deglaciation Using Data and Models
- Mechanisms for Enhanced Turbulence in the Drake Passage Region of the Southern Ocean
- Dynamics of Greenland’s Glacial Fjords
- Vortices in Sinusoidal Shear, with Applications to Jupiter
- Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic Responses to Surfzone Seafloor Perturbations
- Submesoscale Turbulence in the Upper Ocean
- Hydrographic Structure of Overflow Water Passing Through the Denmark Strait
- Strong Wind Events Across Greenland’s Coast and their Influences on the Ice Sheet, Sea Ice, and Ocean
- Buoyancy-Driven Circulation in the Red Sea
- Investigating the Role of Trichodesmium spp. in the Oceanic Nitrogen Cycle Through Observations and Models
- An Inverse Approach to Understanding Deglacial Benthic Oxygen Isotope Records from the Last Glaciation
- Physical Controls on Copepod Aggregations in the Gulf of Maine
- Physical Influences on Phytoplankton Ecology: Models and Observations
- A Multi-Dimensional Spectral Description of Ocean Variability with Applications
- Moored Observations of Shelfbreak Processes at the Inflow to and Outflow from the Arctic Ocean
- The Production of Temperature and Salinity Variance and Covariance: Implications for Mixing
- Energy Pathways and Structures of Oceanic Eddies in the ECCO2 State Estimate and Simplified Models
- Atlantic Ocean circulation at the Last Glacial Maximum: Inferences from data and models
- The Effects of Ocean Eddies on Tropical Cyclones
- Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions in a General Circulation Model: Melt-Rate Modulation Due to Mean Flow and Tidal Currents
- The Effect of Stratification on Wind-Driven, Cross-Shelf Circulation and Transport on the Inner Continental Shelf
- Comparison of Wind Stress Algorithims, Datasets and Oceanic Power Input
- Instabilities of an Eastern Boundary Current with and without Large-scale Flow Influence
- Variability in the North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current: Upstream Causes and Downstream Effects as Observed at Line W
- Abyssal Mixing from Bottom Boundary Effects in Mid-Atlantic Ridge Flank Canyons
- Near-Inertial and Thermal Upper Ocean Response to Atmospheric Forcing in the North Atlantic Ocean
- The Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the West Greenland Current System in the Labrador Sea
- Linear and Nonlinear Stratified Spindown over Sloping Topography
- Circulation and Convection in the Irminger Sea
- Radiation and Dissipation of Internal Waves Generated by Geostrophic Motions Impinging on Small-Scale Topography
- Slope/Shelf Circulation and Cross-Slope/Shelf Transport Out of a Bay Driven by Eddies from the Open Ocean
- Eddy-Mean Flow Interactions in Western Boundary Current Jets
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Tide-Induced Salt Flux in a Partially Mixed Estuary
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- A modeling study of the marine biogeochemistry, plankton dynamics, and carbon cycle on the continental shelf off the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Lagrangian Dispersion and Deformation in Submesoscale Flows
- Geophysical and Geochemical Contraints on Submarine Volcanic Processes
- Advancing the theory and applications of Lagrangian Coherent Structures methods for oceanic surface flows
- The production and fate of nitrogen species in deep-sea hydrothermal environments
- The mineralogy and chemistry of modern shallow-water and deep-sea corals
- Characterizing Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance, Prevalence, and Persistence in the Marine Environment
- Computational Analysis of the Biophysical Controls on Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Ecosystem Dynamics
- Genetic Connectivity, Adaptation, and Phenotypic Plasticity of Corals and Anemones Under Thermal Stress
- Distributional Models of Ocean Carbon Export
- Genetic Connectivity, Adaptation, and Phenotypic Plasticity of Corals and Anemones Under Thermal Stress
- Carbon Transformations in Seafloor Serpentinization Systems
- Influence of Meltwater on Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Geophysical and Petrological Constraints on Ocean Plate Dynamics
- Coral Biomineralization, Climate Proxies and the Sensitivity of Coral Reefs to CO2-Driven Climate Change
- Insight into Chemical, Biological, and Physical Processes in Coastal Waters from Dissolved Oxygen and Inert Gas Tracers
- Ecosystem Metabolism in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks and Ponds: Applying Triple Oxygen Isotopes and Other Gas Tracers to Novel Environments
- Field Observations and Numerical Model Simulations of a Migrating Inlet Syste
- Pteropod Shell Condition, Locomotion, and Long-term Population Trends in the Context of Ocean Acidification and Environmental Change
- Coral Reef Soundscapes: Spatiotemporal Variability and Links to Species Assemblages
- A Scientific Framework for Evaluating Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change
- Little Ice Age Climate in the Western Tropical Atlantic Inferred from Coral Geochemical Proxies
- Inferring Ocean Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum and Last Deglaciation Using Data and Models
- Late Quaternary Climate Variability and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in Tropical South America
- Growth and Development of Larval Bay Scallops (Argopecten irradians) in Response to Early Exposure to High CO2
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Hydrology and Geochemistry of an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Cycling Along the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Geochemistry of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise, Caribbean Sea
- Boundary Layer Dynamics and Deep Ocean Mixing in Mid-Atlantic Ridge Canyons
- Physical Control of the Distributions of a Key Arctic Copepod in the Northeast Chukchi Sea
- Investigating the Evolution and Formation of Coastlines and the Response to Sea-Level Rise
- Mechanical and Geological Controls on the Long-Term Evolution of Normal Faults
- Exploring the Climate Change Refugia Potential of Equatorial Pacific Coral Reefs
- Investigating the Role of Trichodesmium spp. in the Oceanic Nitrogen Cycle Through Observations and Models
- Lithospheric Dynamics of Earth’s Subduction Zones and Martian Tectonic Provinces
- Quaternary Morphology and Paleoenvironmental Records of Carbonate Islands
- Amundsen Sea Sea-Ice Variability, Atmospheric Circulation, and Spatial Variations in Snow Isotopic Composition from New West Antarctic Firn Cores
- Strong Wind Events Across Greenland’s Coast and their Influences on the Ice Sheet, Sea Ice, and Ocean
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- Climate Science
- Areas of Study
- Courses
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- Storm Signatures in Coastal Ponds and Marshes Over the Late Holocene
- The Response of Ocean Salinity Patterns to Climate Change: Implications for Circulation
- A modeling study of the marine biogeochemistry, plankton dynamics, and carbon cycle on the continental shelf off the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Genetic Connectivity, Adaptation, and Phenotypic Plasticity of Corals and Anemones Under Thermal Stress
- The Influence of Heat Transport on Arctic Amplification
- Coral Reef Soundscapes: Spatiotemporal Variability and Links to Species Assemblages
- Pteropod Shell Condition, Locomotion, and Long-term Population Trends in the Context of Ocean Acidification and Environmental Change
- Ecosystem Metabolism in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks and Ponds: Applying Triple Oxygen Isotopes and Other Gas Tracers to Novel Environments
- Coral Biomineralization, Climate Proxies and the Sensitivity of Coral Reefs to CO2-Driven Climate Change
- Influence of Meltwater on Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Hydrology and Geochemistry of an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Late Quaternary Climate Variability and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in Tropical South America
- Inferring Ocean Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum and Last Deglaciation Using Data and Models
- Little Ice Age Climate in the Western Tropical Atlantic Inferred from Coral Geochemical Proxies
- A Scientific Framework for Evaluating Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change
- Exploring the Climate Change Refugia Potential of Equatorial Pacific Coral Reefs
- Investigating the Evolution and Formation of Coastlines and the Response to Sea-Level Rise
- Physical Control of the Distributions of a Key Arctic Copepod in the Northeast Chukchi Sea
- An Inverse Approach to Understanding Deglacial Benthic Oxygen Isotope Records from the Last Glaciation
- Quaternary Morphology and Paleoenvironmental Records of Carbonate Islands
- Amundsen Sea Sea-Ice Variability, Atmospheric Circulation, and Spatial Variations in Snow Isotopic Composition from New West Antarctic Firn Cores
- An Inverse Approach to Understanding Deglacial Benthic Oxygen Isotope Records from the Last Glaciation
- Climate Controls on Coral Growth in the Caribbean
- Variations in Coral Reef Net Community Calcification and Aragonite Saturation State on Local and Global Scales
- Aridification of the Indian Subcontinent During the Holocene: Implications for Landscape Evolution, Sedimentation, Carbon Cycle and Human Civilizations
- The Centennial and Millennial Variability of the IndoPacific Warm Pool and the Indonesian Throughflow
- Constraining Circulation Changes Through the Last Deglaciation with Deep-sea Coral Radiocarbon and Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
- Lipid Biomarkers of Coral Stress: Calibration and Exploration
- Late Holocene Hurricane Activity and Climate Variability in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
- Understanding the Ocean Carbon and Sulfur Cycles in the Context of a Variable Ocean: A Study of Anthropogenic Carbon Storage and Dimethysulfide Production in the Atlantic Ocean
- Near-Inertial and Thermal Upper Ocean Response to Atmospheric Forcing in the North Atlantic Ocean
- The Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the West Greenland Current System in the Labrador Sea
- Coral Calcifications Insights from Inorganic Experiments and Coral Responses to Environmental Variables
- Uranium-Series Radionuclide Records of Paleoceanographic and Sedimentary Changes in the Arctic Ocean
- Low-Latitude Western North Atlantic Climate Variability During the Past Millennium: Insights from Proxies and Models
- Tropical Cyclones Within the Sedimentary Record: Analyzing Overwash Deposition from Event to Millenial Timescales
Fields of Study
Each Joint Program students is associated with one of five academic disciplines (shown below), which determine their specific programmatic requirements.
Additional Disciplines
Interdisciplinary research is encouraged and supported through flexible curricular requirements and formation of appropriately diverse advisory committees. Climate science, including effects of climate on marine ecosystems, is an example of a broad theme that crosses disciplinary boundaries and inspires diverse research projects.