- Tracking carbon fluxes across ocean interfaces using dissolved gas observations
- Areas of Study
- Program Requirements
- Curriculum
- Faculty
- Recent Dissertations and Theses
- High resolution, in-situ studies of seawater carbonate chemistry and carbon cycling in coastal systems using CHANnelized Optical System II
- Barium isotope cycling in the marine environment: Pathways of fractionation and implications for paleoceanographic applications
- Assessing the potential for zinc limitation of marine primary production: proteomic characterization of the low zinc stress response in marine diatoms
- Interactions between rivers and coastal margins in the Alaskan Arctic
- Molecular Characterization of Organically Bound Copper in the Marine Environment
- Microbial glycerolipids in the global ocean: environmental controls and sinking flux dynamics
- From the atmosphere to the abyss: Tracing organic carbon deposition, cadmium isotopes, and iron cycling using marine sediments
- Radium Isotopes and Radon-222 as Tracers of Sediment-Water Interaction in Arctic coastal and Lacustrine Environments
- Molecular-level characterization of microbial interactions with labile dissolved organic matter
- Investigating chromium cycling in global oxygen deficient zones with chromium isotopes
- Anthropogenic and natural radioisotopes as tracers for contaminant sources and particulate fluxes
- Quantifying the effects of sunlight on the fate of oil spilled at sea
- Quantifying the effects of sunlight on the fate of oil spilled at sea
- Phosphonate Biogeochemical Cycling in the Marine Environment: from an Ocean Scale to a Molecular Scale
- Dynamics and Implications of ROS in Marine Systems
- On the non-microbial sources and sinks of dissolved metabolites in seawater
- New Insights into the Marine Oxygen Cycle from Manganese Oxide Minerals and Reactive Oxygen Species
- Protein regulation in Trichodesmium and other marine bacteria: Observational and interpretive biomarkers of biogeochemical processes
- Constraining Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Delivery of Coastal Ecosystem Services
- Radium and Mercury Dynamics in the Arctic: Investigating Terrestrial Inputs, Groundwater Discharge, and Chemical Cycling in a Changing Climate
- A Metabolic Lens on Phytoplankton Physiology
- Tracking carbon fluxes across ocean interfaces using dissolved gas observations
- Coupled cycling of metals with nitrogen and carbon in marine sediments
- Exploring the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Marine Ecosystem Health and Function
- Coupled cycling of metals with nitrogen and carbon in marine sediments
- The Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen in a Redox Stratified Pond: An Isotopic Approach
- Tropical Stony Corals Host Diverse Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics
- The Impact of Metals and Other Stress Factors on Microbial Ammonia Oxidation Physiology and Isotope Effects
- Investigating the ocean’s biological pump using thorium-234 and polonium-210
- A modeling study of the marine biogeochemistry, plankton dynamics, and carbon cycle on the continental shelf off the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Computational Analysis of the Biophysical Controls on Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Ecosystem Dynamics
- The Mineralogy and Chemistry of Modern Shallow-Water and Deep-Sea Corals
- The Production and Fate of Nitrogen Species in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments
- Scavenging and Transport of Thorium Radioisotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Boundary Inputs of Nutrients and Trace Elements to the Coastal and Open Ocean
- Biogeochemical and Phylogenetic Signals of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Microbial Metabolisms
- The Marine Biogeochemistry of Chromium Isotopes
- Carbon Transformations in Seafloor Serpentinization Systems
- An Investigation of Basin-Scale Controls on Upper Ocean Export and Remineralization
- The Geochemistry of Methane Isotopologues
- The Remineralization of Marine Organic Matter by Diverse Biological and Abiotic Processes
- Geochemical Controls on the Distribution And Composition of Biogenic and Sedimentary Carbon
- The Cobalt Cycle in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Understanding Terrestrial Organic Carbon Export: A Time-Series Approach
- Novel Analytical Strategies for Tracing the Organic Carbon Cycle in Marine and Riverine Particles
- Insight into Chemical, Biological, and Physical Processes in Coastal Waters from Dissolved Oxygen and Inert Gas Tracers
- Linking Microbial Metabolism and Organic Matter Cycling Through Metabolite Distributions in the Ocean
- Ecosystem Metabolism in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks and Ponds: Applying Triple Oxygen Isotopes and Other Gas Tracers to Novel Environments
- The Biogeochemistry of Lipid Derived Infochemical Signals in the Ocean
- Molecular Determination of Marine Iron Ligands by Mass Spectrometry
- Late Quaternary Climate Variability and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in Tropical South America
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Hydrology and Geochemistry of an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Using Passive Samplers to Assess Bioavailability, Toxicity, and Reactivity of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals (HOCS)
- A Magmatic Trigger for the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum?
- Geochemistry of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise, Caribbean Sea
- Testing the Ancient Marine Redox Record From Oxygenic Photosynthesis to Photic Zone Euxina
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Biogeochemical Processes in the Fraser River, Canada: A Coupled Organic-Inorganic Perspective
- Heterogeneous Reservoirs in the Marine Carbon Cycle
- Temporal Variability in Chemical Cycling of the Subterranean Estuary and Associated Chemical Loading to the Coastal Ocean
- Transformations of Mercury in the Marine Water Column
- The Biogeochemistry of Marine Particulate Trace Metals
- Natural and Synthetic Estrogens in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and the Coastal Ocean
- The Marine Biogeochemistry of Dissolved and Colloidal Iron
- Variations in Coral Reef Net Community Calcification and Aragonite Saturation State on Local and Global Scales
- Urea and Nickel Utilization in Marine Cyanobacteria as Evaluated by Incubation, Proteomic, and Uptake Techniques
- Evolution of Anthropogenic Pb and Pb isotopes in the Deep North Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean
- Marine Microbial Intact Polar Diacylglyceroplipids and their Application in the Study of Nutrient Stress and Bacterial Production
- Distribution of Thiols in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Advances in Measurements of Particle Cycling and Fluxes in the Ocean
- Nitrogen Cycling in Oxygen Deficient Zones : Insights from δ15N and δ18O of Nitrite and Nitrate
- Influences on the Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycling of the Hybrid-Type Metals: Cobalt, Iron, and Mangaese
- Comprehensive Study of a Heavy Fuel Oil Spill: Modeling and Analytical Approaches to Understanding Environmental Weathering
- Insights Into Vitamin B12 Production, Use, and Acquisition by Marine Microbes
- Marine Particle Dynamics: Sinking Velocities, Size Distributions, Fluxes, and Microbial Degradation Rates
- Lipid Biomarkers of Coral Stress: Calibration and Exploration
- The Biogeochemistry of Marine Nitrous Oxide
- Interactions of Cadmium, Zinc, and Phosphorus in Marine Synechococcus: Field Uptake, Physiological and Proteomic Studies
- Molecular Biogeochemistry of Modern and Ancient Marine Microbes
- Exploring the Distribution and Physiological Roles of Bacterial Membrane Lipids in the Marine Environment
- Geomicrobiology of Nitrogen in a Coastal Aquifer: Isotopic and Molecular Methods to Examine Nitrification and Denitrification in Groundwater
- Laboratory and Field-Based Investigations of Subsurface Geochemical Processes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Microbial Interactions Associated with Biofilms Attached to Trichodesmium spp. and Detrial Particles in the Ocean
- Understanding the Ocean Carbon and Sulfur Cycles in the Context of a Variable Ocean: A Study of Anthropogenic Carbon Storage and Dimethysulfide Production in the Atlantic Ocean
- Surface-Cycling of Rhenium and Its Isotopes
- Geochemical Tracers of Processes Affecting the Formation of Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
- Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Detection: Limiting the Environmental Impact of Novel Technologies
- Halogenated1′-methyl-1,2′-bipyrroles (MBPs) in the Northwestern Atlantic
Radium Isotopes and Radon-222 as Tracers of Sediment-Water Interaction in Arctic coastal and Lacustrine Environments
Jessica Dabrowski, S.M., 2020
Matthew Charette, Advisor
Arctic marine and lacustrine systems are experiencing rapid warming due to climate change. These changes are especially important at the interface between sediments and surface waters because they are hotspots for biogeochemical transformations such as redox reactions, nutrient consumption and regeneration, organic matter leaching and degradation, and mineral weathering. Radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra) and radon-222, naturally occurring radioactive isotopes produced in sediments, are well-suited as tracers of nutrients, trace metals, and organic matter cycling processes at the sediment-water interface. In this thesis, I have applied radon-222 and the quartet of radium isotopes to study fundamental processes in subarctic lakes and on the Arctic continental shelf.v