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Recent Dissertations and Theses


Radium and Mercury Dynamics in the Arctic: Investigating Terrestrial Inputs, Groundwater Discharge, and Chemical Cycling in a Changing Climate
Emma J. Bullock, Ph.D.,2025
Matthew A. Charette, Advisor

Tracking carbon fluxes across ocean interfaces using dissolved gas observations
Shawnee N. Traylor, Ph.D., 2025
David P. Nicholson, Advisor


Molecular-level characterization of microbial interactions with labile dissolved organic matter
Kathryn H. Halloran, Ph.D., 2024
Dr. Elizabeth Kujawinski, Advisor

Quantifying the effects of sunlight on the fate of oil spilled at sea
Danielle Haas Freeman, PhD., 2024
Collin P. Ward, Advisor

Dynamics and Implications of ROS in Marine Systems
Lina M. Taenzer, Ph.D., 2024
Colleen M. Hansel, Advisor
Scott D. Wankel, Advisor

On the non-microbial sources and sinks of dissolved metabolites in seawater
Noah P. Germolus, Ph.D., 2024
Elizabeth B. Kujawinski, Advisor

Coupled cycling of metals with nitrogen and carbon in marine sediments
Jennifer Karolewski, Ph.D., 2024
Scott D. Wankel, Advisor

The Impact of Metals and Other Stress Factors on Microbial Ammonia Oxidation Physiology and Isotope Effects
Donald Edward Martocello, III, Ph.D., 2019
Scott D. Wankel, Advisor

Investigating the ocean’s biological pump using thorium-234 and polonium-210
Samantha Jade Clevenger, Ph.D., 2024
Ken O. Buesseler, Advisor

Interactions between rivers and coastal margins in the Alaskan Arctic
Luka Catipovic, Ph.D., 2024
Samuel Laney, Advisor

Microbial glycerolipids in the global ocean: environmental controls and sinking flux dynamics
Henry Cameron Holm, Ph.D., 2024
Benjamin Van Mooy, Advisor

From the atmosphere to the abyss: Tracing organic carbon deposition, cadmium isotopes, and iron cycling using marine sediments
Logan Tegler, Ph.D., 20247
Sune Nielsen , Advisor
Tristan Horner, Advisor


Siderophore Cycling in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
Jingxuan (Jay) Li, Ph.D, 2023
Daniel Repeta, Advisor

Distributions and perturbations of the marine dissolved cobalt cycle in a changing ocean
Rebecca Chmiel, Ph.D., 2023
Makoto A. Saito, Advisor

Chemical Controls on the Cycling and Reactivity of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Benjamin Granzow, Ph.D., 2023
Daniel J. Repeta, Advisor

Biological and Physical Processes at the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf-Break Front
Andrew Hirzel, Ph.D., 2023
Dennis J. Mcgillicuddy, Advisor

The Biogeochemistry of Methane Isotopologues in Marine and Lacustrine Sediments
Ellen Lalk, Ph.D., 2023
Shuhei Ono, Advisor

Quantifying Pelagic Primary Production via Automated In-Situ Incubation Systems (PhRePhOx)
Solomon Chen, S.M., 2023
Matthew Long, Advisor


The Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen in a Redox Stratified Pond: An Isotopic Approach
Luciana Villarroel, S.M., 2022
Scott Wankel, Advisor

Exploring the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Marine Ecosystem Health and Function
Kalina Grabb, Ph.D., 2022
Colleen Hansel, Advisor

Molecular Characterization of Organically Bound Copper in the Marine Environment
Lydia Babcock-Adams, Ph.D., 2022
Daniel Repeta, Advisor

Assessing the potential for zinc limitation of marine primary production: proteomic characterization of the low zinc stress response in marine diatoms
Riss Kellogg, Ph.D., 2022
Mak Saito, Advisor

Barium isotope cycling in the marine environment: Pathways of fractionation and implications for paleoceanographic applications
Julien Middleton, Ph.D., 2022
Tristan Horner, Advisor

High resolution, in-situ studies of seawater carbonate chemistry and carbon cycling in coastal systems using CHANnelized Optical System II
Mallory Ringham, Ph.D., 2022
Aleck Wang, Advisor

Anthropogenic and Natural Radioisotopes as Tracers for Contaminant Sources and Particulate Fluxes
Jennifer Kenyon, Ph.D., 2022
Ken Buesseler, Advisor

Constraining Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Delivery of Coastal Ecosystem Services
Sheron Luk, Ph.D., 2022
Amanda Spivak, Co-Advisor
Matthew Charette, Co-Advisor


A Metabolic Lens on Phytoplankton Physiology
Craig McLean, Ph.D, 2021
Elizabeth Kujawinski, Advisor

Investigating chromium cycling in global oxygen deficient zones with chromium isotopes
Tianyi Huang, Ph.D., 2021
Ed Boyle, Advisor

Phosphonate Biogeochemical Cycling in the Marine Environment: from an Ocean Scale to a Molecular Scale
Marianne Acker, Ph.D., 2021
Daniel Repeta, Advisor


Radium Isotopes and Radon-222 as Tracers of Sediment-Water Interaction in Arctic coastal and Lacustrine Environments
Jessica Dabrowski, S.M., 2020
Matthew Charette, Advisor

New Insights into the Marine Oxygen Cycle from Manganese Oxide Minerals and Reactive Oxygen Species
Kevin Sutherland, Ph.D., 2020
Colleen Hansel, Co-Advisor
Scott Wankel, Co-Advisor

Protein regulation in Trichodesmium and other marine bacteria: Observational and interpretive biomarkers of biogeochemical processes
Noelle Held, Ph.D., 2020
Mak Saito, Advisor


Tropical Stony Corals Host Diverse Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics
Tyler Tamasi, S.M., 2019
Andrew Babbin, Advisor

A modeling study of the marine biogeochemistry, plankton dynamics, and carbon cycle on the continental shelf off the West Antarctic Peninsula

Cristina Schultz, Ph.D., 2019
Scott Doney, Co-advisor
David Nicholson, Co-advisor

Computational Analysis of the Biophysical Controls on Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Ecosystem Dynamics

Tyler Rohr, Ph.D., 2019
Scott Doney, Co-Advisor
David Nicholson, Co-Advisor

The Mineralogy and Chemistry of Modern Shallow-Water and Deep-Sea Corals

Gabriela Farfan, Ph.D., 2019
Colleen Hansel, Advisor

The Production and Fate of Nitrogen Species in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments

Chawalit Charoenpong, Ph.D.,2019
Scott Wankel, Advisor


Scavenging and Transport of Thorium Radioisotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean

Paul Lerner, Ph.D., 2018
Olivier Marchal, Co-Advisor
Phoebe Lam, Co-Advisor

Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Boundary Inputs of Nutrients and Trace Elements to the Coastal and Open Ocean

Lauren Kipp, Ph.D., 2018
Matthew Charette, Advisor

Biogeochemical and Phylogenetic Signals of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Microbial Metabolisms

Danielle Gruen, Ph.D., 2018
Gregory Fournier, Advisor

The Marine Biogeochemistry of Chromium Isotopes

Simone Moos, Ph.D., 2018
Edward Boyle, Advisor

Carbon Transformations in Seafloor Serpentinization Systems

Niya Grozeva, Ph.D., 2018
Frieder Klein, Co-Advisor
Jeffrey Seewald, Co-Advisor

An Investigation of Basin-Scale Controls on Upper Ocean Export and Remineralization

Erin Black, Ph.D., 2018
Ken Buesseler, Advisor


The Geochemistry of Methane Isotopologues

David Wang, Ph.D., 2017
Shuhei Ono, Advisor

The Remineralization of Marine Organic Matter by Diverse Biological and Abiotic Processes

James Collins, Ph.D., 2017
Benjamin Van Mooy, Advisor

Geochemical Controls on the Distribution And Composition of Biogenic and Sedimentary Carbon

Emily Estes, Ph.D., 2017
Colleen Hansel, Advisor

The Cobalt Cycle in the Tropical Pacific Ocean

Nicholas Hawco, Ph.D., 2017
Mak Saito, Advisor

Understanding Terrestrial Organic Carbon Export: A Time-Series Approach

Jordon Hemingway, Ph.D., 2017
Valier Galy, Advisor

Novel Analytical Strategies for Tracing the Organic Carbon Cycle in Marine and Riverine Particles

Sarah Rosengard, Ph.D., 2017
Valier Galy, Advisor

Insight into Chemical, Biological, and Physical Processes in Coastal Waters from Dissolved Oxygen and Inert Gas Tracers

Cara Manning, Ph.D., 2017
David Nicholson, Co-Advisor
Rachel Stanley, Co-Advisor

Linking Microbial Metabolism and Organic Matter Cycling Through Metabolite Distributions in the Ocean

Winifred Johnson, Ph.D., 2017
Elizabeth Kujawinski, Advisor

Ecosystem Metabolism in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks and Ponds: Applying Triple Oxygen Isotopes and Other Gas Tracers to Novel Environments

Evan Howard, Ph.D., 2017
Rachel Stanley, Co-Advisor
Scott Wankel, Co-Advisor


The Biogeochemistry of Lipid Derived Infochemical Signals in the Ocean

Bethanie Edwards, Ph.D., 2016
Benjamin Van Mooy, Advisor

Molecular Determination of Marine Iron Ligands by Mass Spectrometry

Rene Boiteau, Ph.D., 2016
Dan Repeta, Advisor

Late Quaternary Climate Variability and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in Tropical South America

Kyrstin Fornace, Ph.D., 2016
Valier Galy, Co-advisor
Konrad Hughen, Co-advisor

Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Hydrology and Geochemistry of an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Benjamin Linhoff, Ph.D., 2016
Matthew Charette, Advisor


Using Passive Samplers to Assess Bioavailability, Toxicity, and Reactivity of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals (HOCS)

Alexandra Patricia Tcaciuc, Ph.D., 2015
Philip Gschwend, Advisor

A Magmatic Trigger for the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum?

Andrea Dubin, Ph.D., 2015
Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Advisor

Geochemistry of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise, Caribbean Sea

Jill Marie McDermott, Ph.D., 2015
Jeffrey Seewald, Co-advisor
Christopher German, Co-advisor

Testing the Ancient Marine Redox Record From Oxygenic Photosynthesis to Photic Zone Euxina

Katherine Lousie French, Ph.D., 2015
Roger Summons, Advisor


Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Biogeochemical Processes in the Fraser River, Canada: A Coupled Organic-Inorganic Perspective

Britta Voss, Ph.D., 2014
Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Co-advisor
Timothy Eglinton, Co-adivsor

Heterogeneous Reservoirs in the Marine Carbon Cycle

Christopher L Follett, Ph.D., 2014
Daniel Rothman, Advisor

Temporal Variability in Chemical Cycling of the Subterranean Estuary and Associated Chemical Loading to the Coastal Ocean

Meagan Gonneea, Ph.D., 2014
Matthew Charette, Advisor

Transformations of Mercury in the Marine Water Column

Kathleen Munson, Ph.D., 2014
Carl Lamborg, Advisor

The Biogeochemistry of Marine Particulate Trace Metals

Daniel Ohnemus, Ph.D, 2014
Phoebe Lam, Advisor


Natural and Synthetic Estrogens in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and the Coastal Ocean

David Griffith, Ph.D., 2013
Philip Gschwend, Advisor

The Marine Biogeochemistry of Dissolved and Colloidal Iron

Jessica Fitzsimmons, Ph.D., 2013
Ed Boyle, Advisor

Variations in Coral Reef Net Community Calcification and Aragonite Saturation State on Local and Global Scales

Whitney Bernstein, Ph.D., 2013
Konrad Hughen, Advisor

Urea and Nickel Utilization in Marine Cyanobacteria as Evaluated by Incubation, Proteomic, and Uptake Techniques

Tyler Goepfert, S.M., 2013
Mak Saito, Advisor

Evolution of Anthropogenic Pb and Pb isotopes in the Deep North Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean

Jong-Mi Lee, Ph.D., 2013
Ed Boyle, Advisor

Marine Microbial Intact Polar Diacylglyceroplipids and their Application in the Study of Nutrient Stress and Bacterial Production

Kimberly Popendorf, Ph.D., 2013
Benjamin Van Mooy, Advisor

Distribution of Thiols in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean

Tristan Kading, S.M., 2013
Carl Lamborg, Advisor

Advances in Measurements of Particle Cycling and Fluxes in the Ocean

Stephanie Owens, Ph.D, 2013
Ken Buesseler, Advisor

Nitrogen Cycling in Oxygen Deficient Zones : Insights from δ15N and δ18O of Nitrite and Nitrate

Carolyn Buchwald, Ph.D., 2013
Mak Saito & Karen Casciotti, Advisors


Influences on the Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycling of the Hybrid-Type Metals: Cobalt, Iron, and Mangaese

Abigail Noble, Ph.D., 2012
Mak Saito, Advisor

Comprehensive Study of a Heavy Fuel Oil Spill: Modeling and Analytical Approaches to Understanding Environmental Weathering

Karin Lemkau, Ph.D., 2012
Christopher Reddy, Advisor

Insights Into Vitamin B12 Production, Use, and Acquisition by Marine Microbes

Erin Bertrand, Ph.D., 2012
Mak Saito, Advisor


Marine Particle Dynamics: Sinking Velocities, Size Distributions, Fluxes, and Microbial Degradation Rates

Andrew McDonnell, Ph.D., 2011
Ken Buesseler, Advisor

Lipid Biomarkers of Coral Stress: Calibration and Exploration

Jessie Kneeland, Ph.D., 2011
Konrad Hughen, Advisor

The Biogeochemistry of Marine Nitrous Oxide

Caitlin Frame, Ph.D., 2011
Karen Cascioti, Advisor

Interactions of Cadmium, Zinc, and Phosphorus in Marine Synechococcus: Field Uptake, Physiological and Proteomic Studies

Alysia Cox, Ph.D., 2011
Mak Saito, Advisor


Molecular Biogeochemistry of Modern and Ancient Marine Microbes

Jacob R. Waldbauer, Ph.D., 2010
Sallie Chisholm and Roger Summons, Advisors

Exploring the Distribution and Physiological Roles of Bacterial Membrane Lipids in the Marine Environment

James P. Sáenz, Ph.D., 2010
Roger Summons and Timothy Eglinton, Advisors

Geomicrobiology of Nitrogen in a Coastal Aquifer: Isotopic and Molecular Methods to Examine Nitrification and Denitrification in Groundwater

Daniel R. Rogers, Ph.D., 2010
Karen Casciotti, Advisor

Laboratory and Field-Based Investigations of Subsurface Geochemical Processes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems

Eoghan Reeves, Ph.D., 2010
Jeffrey Seewald, Advisor

Microbial Interactions Associated with Biofilms Attached to Trichodesmium spp. and Detrial Particles in the Ocean

Laura Hmelo, Ph.D., 2010
Benjamin Van Mooy, Advisor

Understanding the Ocean Carbon and Sulfur Cycles in the Context of a Variable Ocean: A Study of Anthropogenic Carbon Storage and Dimethysulfide Production in the Atlantic Ocean

Naomi M. Levine, Ph.D., 2010
Scott Doney and Dierdre Toole, Advisors


Surface-Cycling of Rhenium and Its Isotopes

Christian Miller, Ph.D., 2009
Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Advisor

Geochemical Tracers of Processes Affecting the Formation of Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits in the Manus Back-Arc Basin

Paul Craddock, Ph.D., 2009
Margaret Tivey and Wolfgang Bach, Advisors

Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Detection: Limiting the Environmental Impact of Novel Technologies

Desirée Plata, Ph.D., 2009
Philip Gschwend and Christopher Reddy, Advisors

Halogenated1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrroles (MBPs) in the Northwestern Atlantic

Kristen Pangallo, Ph.D., 2009
Christopher Reddy, Advisor