Research focuses on planning & exploration problems with heterogeneous multi-agent systems – from high level planning & assignment problems to low level interest-region based navigation methods.
My research group focuses on developing mechanistic & data-driven models to understand the impact & feedback of marine microbial & biogeochemical dynamics on the Earth’s climate system.
Interests: Biogeochemistry, Data science, Ecology & ecosystem modeling Profile
My research focuses on the physical mechanisms of exchange & stirring over the continental shelf.
I use in situ & remotely sensed observations & develop new tools for the coastal ocean.
By integrating marine geology, analytical geochemistry, hydrothermal laboratory experiments, & thermodynamics, I study seafloor hydrothermal systems on Earth & elsewhere in the solar system.
Chemical analysis of microbial metabolites in seawater; interactions of microbes through chemical exchange; impact of microbes on carbon cycling; ocean literacy
I’m an oceanographer & engineer who works at the interface between ocean science & technology. My research is strongly interdisciplinary, using novel measurement & observational approaches.
Organic geochemistry of the rocky subsurface of the oceans & continents, including deep sea hydrothermal systems, abiotic water-rock reactions, microbial processes, & astrobiology
My researched is focused on observing ocean circulation & understanding its underlying physics, with a particular focus on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation & the Arctic.