Our lab group focuses on coupling analytical measurements with models of varying complexity, primarily using inert gases as quantitative tracers of physical processes in Nature
Interests: Air-Sea Interactions, Climate & paleoclimate, Geochemistry, Isotope & Trace Metal Geochemistry, Ocean Heat & Carbon Uptake, Water cycle Profile
I’m interested in Earth’s climate system & how it has operated under a range of past boundary conditions. To study this, I primarily work with ice core records from the polar regions.
Research interests of Timothy Shanks Molecular Ecology & Evolution Lab are focused on understanding ecological & evolutionary processes that structure the diversity of deep-ocean benthic communitie
Elizabeth Sibert’s research uses microfossils in marine sediments to reconstruct ecological & evolutionary dynamics across environmental change in earth’s history,
Composition, function, & activities of microbial communities in the dark ocean, with a focus on hydrothermal systems, chemolithoautotrophic processes, & microbes involved in the sulfur cycle.
Plankton ecology; long-term ecological research; modeling of physiology & population dynamics; scaling single cells to global systems; technology development; automated imaging & machine learning
Interests: Biophysical interactions, Data science, Ecology & ecosystem modeling Profile