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Intercampus Travel

Joint Program Bus Schedule
A commercial bus runs between the campuses when classes are in session.

Commercial Bus
Two bus lines between Cape Cod and Boston

Personal Vehicle 
Reimbursement information and policy.

Drivers will be reimbursed $10/JP passenger each way.  Note the names of your passengers in the Comments section in Unanet.  If you need a ride or can offer a ride, send an email to  To join the listserv, go to WebMoira and add your MIT email address to the list:

Joint Program Car
A five-passenger station wagon is available for student and faculty use.

Students can use the MBTA red line to commute between Kendall Square (MIT) and South Station (bus station).  MIT subsidizes the cost of T-pass (or Charlie Ticket).

MIT has an agreement with Zipcar: no application fee, no security deposit; $25 annual fee.  Thirteen Zipcars are located on the MIT campus.  Reimbursement for Zipcar is the same as that for a personal vehicle.

Policy for Joint Program Intercampus Travel Reimbursement