MIT Writing & Communication Center (WCC)
The WCC at MIT (Writing and Communication Center) offers free one-on-one professionaladvice from communication experts (MIT lecturers who all have advanced degrees and who are all are published writers). The WCC works with undergraduate and graduate students and with post-docs. The WCC helps you strategize about all types of academic, creative, job-related, and professional writing as well as about all aspects of oral presentations (including practicing your presentations & designing slides). No matter what department or discipline you are in, we help you think your way more deeply into your topic, help you see new implications in your data, research and ideas. The WCC also helps with all English as Second Language issues, from writing and grammar to pronunciation and conversation practice. The WCC is located in Kendall Square (E39-115, 55 Hayward Street, around the corner from Rebecca’s Cafe). To register with our online scheduler and to make appointments, go to . To access the WCC’s many pages of advice about writing and oral presentations, go to . The Center’s core hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; evening hours vary by semester–check the online scheduler for up-to-date hours.