Welcome to the Alumni Community
The MIT-WHOI Joint Program has recently awarded their 1,000th degree! Graduates are working all over the world in diverse areas including research institutions, liberal arts colleges and high schools, museums, government, private industry, NGOs, and science journalism, just to name a few.
This website has been created to facilitate networking among graduates, to exchange career information with current Joint Program students, as a resource for prospective students, and to keep information about each graduate up to date within the Academic Programs Office.

Join the Alumni Listserv
Keep up with MIT-WHOI Joint Program happenings by joining the JP alumni listserv. Contact alumni@whoi.edu with your name and preferred email address. Personal email addresses are preferred because professional ones seem to change more frequently. We promise to keep mailings to a minimum.
There's also a listserv for employment opportunities called jpjobs@whoi.edu.
Feel free to sign up for that or to send job openings that may appeal to Joint Program graduates.