Graduate Fellowship Opportunities

Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
The Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship is to support exceptional prospective graduate students who are engaged in coastal and marine research that furthers the goals of the Woods Hole Sea Grant and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant programs. The Fellowship is geared towards providing funding and support for students who have not yet matriculated into a graduate program, but are applying and intend to enroll in a thesis-granting graduate program in Massachusetts

National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
NSF GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.
U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents are eligible to apply during their early-career (undergraduates, baccalaureate recipients, or 1st and 2nd year graduate students pursuing research-based M.S. or Ph.D. degrees.
For details, visit:
Applying to the NSF GRFP:
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships (NDSEG) are awarded to U.S. citizen or national applicants (undergraduate or first- or second-year graduate students) who will pursue a doctoral degree in, or closely related to, an area of DoD interest within one of the fifteen following disciplines:
For details, visit:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Fellowship
The NASA Fellowship provides financial support to individuals who are early in their graduate education and have demonstrated the potential to contribute to NASA’s mission and future STEM workforce.
Candidates must be U.S. citizens or naturalized citizens who hold a bachelor's degree in a STEM field. Candidates must be enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree program and intend to pursue a research-based Masters or Ph.D. program in a NASA-relevant field.
For details, visit:
John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational and professional experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The Fellowship, named after one of Sea Grant's founders, former NOAA Administrator, John A. Knauss, matches highly qualified graduate students with "hosts" in the legislative and executive branch of government located in the Washington, D.C. area, for a one year paid fellowship.
For complete details, visit
Contact: Woods Hole Sea Grant Program at
MIT Martin Family Society of Fellows for Sustainability
The Martin Family Society of Fellows for Sustainability is a community of MIT doctoral students pursuing sustainability research in a wide array of fields and topics. Each year, approximately ten outstanding students are selected to receive one academic year of fellowship support.
For details, visit:
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowships
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowships include:
- American Fellowships (support for completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication)
- International Fellowships (pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the U.S. who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents)
For details, visit:
The Link Foundation
The Link Foundation offers a 1 year fellowship for PhD sstudents in areas of modeling, simulation, and training.
Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an established doctoral program at a U.S. or Canadian academic institution. A typical applicant would have completed all of their required doctoral courses and be embarking on their dissertation research; i.e. a doctoral "candidate".
For details, visit:
American Meteorological Society (AMS) Graduate Fellowship
The AMS Fellowship Program offers financial support for outstanding students looking to pursue graduate education in the atmospheric sciences, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, hydrology, mathematics, oceanography, and physics.
To be eligible to apply for a fellowship, a student must be U.S. citizens or hold permanent resident status, entering their first year of graduate school in the fall and have a minimum grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0-point scale.
For details, visit:
The Hertz Foundation
Eligible applicants of the Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship must be students of the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering who are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the U.S. in time of national emergency (see Moral Commitment section).
For details, visit:
Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF)
The DOE CSGF provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.
You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and either be an undergraduate senior or first-year graduate student.
For details, visit:
MIT Office of Graduate Education (OGE) Fellowships
MIT's Office of Graduate Education (OGE) administers a number of fellowships through an annual competition in March. All nominations (both for new awards and for renewal requests) must be submitted by the departmental graduate office on behalf of the student. Students who qualify for one of the fellowships should contact their graduate administrator in order to be considered for nomination.
The following symbols are used in the fellowship descriptions:
For details, visit:

MIT Office of Graduate Education (OGE) International Fellowships
MIT's Office of Graduate Education provides a list of financial resources outside MIT that are specifically geared toward international students.
International students may also contact the Public Affairs Section at the US Embassy in the capitol city of their home country. The Embassy may have an Educational Advisor on staff who can provide information to students who are searching for funding resources to help finance their academic programs in the US.
For details, visit:
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for master’s and doctoral studies in oceanography, marine biology, maritime archaeology and all other science, engineering, social science and resource management disciplines involving ocean and coastal areas particularly by women and members of minority groups.
Research proposals will be evaluated for relevance to NOAA's mission, with particular focus on the mission of the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. Applicants are advised to contact a sanctuary office to discuss the suitability of their application topic.
For details, visit:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries/Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program
NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)/Sea Grant Fellowship offers two fellowships to fulfill its broad educational responsibilities and to strengthen the collaboration between Sea Grant and the NMFS:
NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics
NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Marine Resource Economics
U.S. citizens enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the U.S. and its territoriesare eligible to apply.
For details, visit:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries/Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program
NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)/Sea Grant Fellowship offers two fellowships to fulfill its broad educational responsibilities and to strengthen the collaboration between Sea Grant and the NMFS:
NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics
NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Marine Resource Economics
U.S. citizens enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the U.S. and its territoriesare eligible to apply.
For details, visit:
All awardees must be:
- a citizen of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or United Kingdom at time of application,
- 18 years of age or older
- able to participate in summer internships at a DoD facility,
- willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD,
- a student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- pursuing a technical undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the disciplines listed on the About SMART page
For details, visit:
Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship
The Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship offers merit-based awards for outstanding graduate students to conduct research related to the International Ocean Discovery Program. Research may be related to the objectives of past expeditions or it may address broader science themes. Selected fellows will receive an The award can be used for research, stipend, tuition, or other approved costs. Schlanger Fellowships are open to all graduate students enrolled at U.S. institutions in full-time M.S. or Ph.D. programs.
For details, visit: