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MIT-WHOI Joint Program Committee


The responsibility of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program Committee is to provide advice and faculty governance in all aspects of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program including, but not limited to, curriculum, admissions, academic progress of students, faculty participation and assessment of the success of outcomes of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate education to the co-chairs of the Joint Program Committee who are :

  • The Director of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program at MIT
    Reports to the Provost, MIT
  • The Vice President for Academic Programs/Dean at WHOI
    Reports to the President and Director, WHOI

For more detailed information regarding organization of the The Joint Program Committee, please refer to the chart on the right.


In addition to the Co-Chairs, the membership consists of the WHOI Associate Dean, and the Chairs of the Curriculum Joint Committees - the Joint Committee for Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (JCAOSE), the Joint Committee for Biological Oceanography (JCBO), the Joint Committee for Chemical Oceanography (JCCO), the Joint Committee for Marine Geology and Geophysics (JCMG&G), and the Joint Committee for Physical Oceanography (JCPO). The Co-Chairs of The Joint Program Committee appoint the Chairs of the curriculum committees from among the membership of their respective disciplinary committees. Normally, two of the curriculum committee chairs are from one partner institution and three chairs are from the other partner institution.

The WHOI Registrar, Graduate Admissions and Student Affairs Officer, Budget Manager, and the Administrator of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program at MIT are ex-officio members of The Joint Program Committee and attend meetings in the capacity of senior staff of the Joint Program. One of these individuals will act as recording secretary for each meeting.

The current members are listed in the table below:

The MIT-WHOI Joint Program Committee
Diane Foster (Co-chair)Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean, WHOI
Mick Follows (Co-chair)Joint Program Director, MIT
Ann TarrantAssociate Dean, WHOI
Pierre LermusiauxAssociate Director, MIT
Phil GschwendAssociate Director, MIT
Alexandra TechetApplied Ocean Science & Engineering
Gregory FournierBiological Oceanography
Ed BoyleChemical Oceanography
Sarah DasMarine Geology and Geophysics
Amala MahadevanPhysical Oceanography

Further information about any of the Faculty listed above can be found by on the the MIT-WHOI Joint Program Faculty Website.