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MIT-WHOI Joint Program Curriculum Committees


The curriculum Joint Committees are responsible for the oversight of all academic aspects of the Joint Program in their disciplinary area, effective interactions with other disciplinary Joint Committees in the case of students and faculty with interdisciplinary interests. These responsibilities include recommendations for admissions, annual reviews of academic progress of students enrolled in their area of responsibility, approval by the committee or committee chair of the thesis advisors and thesis committees, chairs of the thesis defense, approval of the final thesis by the Chair of the curriculum committee on behalf of the committee, and advice about all matters of the Joint Program, particularly in their disciplinary areas, to the Co-Chairs of The MIT-WHOI Joint Program Committee.


Members of the curriculum Joint Committees represent their home departments at MIT or at WHOI in both maximizing the effectiveness of the department's participation in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program and maximizing the effectiveness of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program overall.

The members of curriculum Joint Committees (JCAOSE, JCBO, JCCO, JCMG&G, JCPO) are appointed from the faculty at MIT and the WHOI Scientific Staff in the various departments at the respective partner institutions (MIT and WHOI) participating in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. Appointments are by the Director of the Joint Program at MIT upon recommendation of the Department Head for faculty from appropriate MIT department(s), and by the Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean at WHOI for members of WHOI Education Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Chair of the appropriate WHOI Department(s).

Terms of appointment are normally three years and are staggered to allow for continuity of experience for committee membership. Members may be reappointed if that is considered to be in the best interest of the specific disciplinary committee and the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. However, normal practice will result in no more than two successive terms of three years each.

The WHOI Registrar and Graduate Admissions and Student Affairs Officer, and the Administrator of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program at MIT are members ex-officio of the curriculum committees and at least one of these people may attend the meetings for purposes of record keeping and staffing the meeting.

The Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean WHOI, the Director of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program at MIT, and the Associate Dean may attend disciplinary Joint Committee meetings as appropriate for advice, information exchange and discussion with the committee members.

The current members are listed in the table below:

Joint Committee for Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (JCAOSE)

Alexandra Techet, (Chair)MIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Julien Bonnel*WHOI, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department
John LeonardMIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pierre LermusiauxMIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Heidi NepfMIT, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Seth McCammon WHOI, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department
Russ TedrakeMIT, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Olivier de WeckMIT, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Gordon ZhangWHOI, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department

Joint Committee for Biological Oceanography (JCBO)

Gregory Fournier (Chair)MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Neel Aluru*  WHOI, Biology Department
Serguei SaavedraMIT, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michelle SheroWHOI, Biology Department
Brady WeissbourdMIT, Department of Biology

Joint Committee for Chemical Oceanography (JCCO)

Ed Boyle (Chair) MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Colleen Hansel*  WHOI, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department
Amy Apprill  WHOI, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department
Phil Gschwend  MIT, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Shuhei OnoMIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
David (Roo) Nicholson  WHOI, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department

Joint Committee for Marine Geology and Geophysics (JCMG&G)

Sarah Das (Chair) WHOI, Geology and Geophysics Department
Andrew Ashton*  WHOI, Geology and Geophysics Department
Camilla CattaniaMIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Andrew CrossWHOI, Geology and Geophysics Department
Brent Minchew  MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Matej Pec  MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

Joint Committee for Physical Oceanography (JCPO)

Amala Mahadevan (Chair)WHOI, Physical Oceanography Department
Geoffrey 'Jake' Gebbie*WHOI, Physical Oceanography Department
Robert ToddWHOI, Physical Oceanography Department
Pierre LermusiauxMIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Glenn FlierlMIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Raffaele FerrariMIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

* WHOI J. Seward Johnson Chair in Oceanography (Education Coordinators)

Further information about any of the Faculty listed above can be found by on the the MIT-WHOI Joint Program Faculty Web site