partner institutions

Parent Institutions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
MIT is a world-class educational institution. Teaching and research—with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle—continue to be its primary purpose.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The largest independent oceanographic institution in the world, WHOI is dedicated to research and higher education at the frontiers of ocean science.
It all began on the deck of the research vessel, R/V Chain, on May 8, 1968 when Howard W. Johnson, President of MIT and Paul M. Fye, Director of WHOI, signed a simple Memorandum of Agreement approving “...the creation of a Joint Graduate Program in Oceanography for which there will be established appropriate graduate degrees to be conferred jointly by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.”
Visitor Information
Both MIT and WHOI welcome visitors to our campuses. We hope you have a day to spend in Cambridge and Woods Hole. There are plenty of places to visit beyond the campus tours. For prospective students, please contact an Admissions Representative at mit-whoi-www@mit.edu who has information for making the most of your visit.
Office & Administration
The MIT-WHOI Joint Program is administered by two main offices; one at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts and the other at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts on Cape Cod.