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George P. Panteleyev Award

…exemplifies the commitment to improving the graduate education experience and graduate student life at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This award honors the memory of George “Gera” P. Panteleyev. Gera…

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Lauren Dykman

…summary from the nominations: This year’s first recipient of the Pantelyev Award served as a JP Rep, JP Ref, student representative to the WHOI Sustainability Committee and Biology Rep, all…

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Childbirth Accommodation Policy

Childbirth Accommodation Policy MIT-OGE Please review MIT’s Childbirth Accommodation and Parental Leave. Please review the “Process” section in the link above. The completed form should be filed with Tricia Nesti…

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Coastal Evolution on Earth and Titan

…an uncertain future from climate change and anthropogenic redistribution of sediment. To evaluate barrier resilience to sea-level rise, I propose a novel dimensionless metric called the Washover Ratio which compares…

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